

I want to learn how to cook

So I want to learn how to cook my own food.
How do I start?
What am I suppose to learn first?

Any tips are helpful!

August 10, 2014

12 Comments • Newest first


Start with basics like eggs, rice and stir fry. Then just look up recipes and follow them

Reply August 10, 2014

lern 2 cook meth

Reply August 10, 2014

Just think of what dishes you want to make that you think are simplistic enough and then google the recipe. Then go buy whatever it tells you to buy. Then try to make it to the best of your ability. Then remake and remake until you're happy.

Reply August 10, 2014

[quote=djmaxaaron]Watch gordon ramsay videos.[/quote]
Are throwing dishes a part of the recipe?
OT just get a cookbook and be prepared to screw up dishes until you come up with your own style

Reply August 10, 2014

first things first... i'm the realist ( jk, but i am though )

anways, the first step is learning how to use the knife.

Reply August 10, 2014

Start off with green eggs and ham

Reply August 10, 2014

heres an important exerpt

"Remember that salt does more than make food taste salty. It enhances sweetness and suppresses bitterness.

If you add a little too much salt, says Thompson, you might be able to get away with it if you up the sourness, sugar or chilli. Diluting the dish with a little more water can also help, he adds, "just lift it out of the intensity".

You can also disguise an unbalanced dish by adjusting the accompaniments. Don't salt the rice, or compensate a sour main dish with sweeter foods on the side.

Beware taste saturation. The more you keep sampling the food, warns Clancy, the more used to it you will become. So punctuate your tasting with palate-cleansing glugs of water.

When using very hot chilli, you'll need to turn up the volume on the salt and sour, too. "It's what Thais call a rounded taste," says Thompson.

Is it an art or is it a science? Do you think about balancing tastes when you're cooking? Have you any more seasoning tips and pitfalls to add to the above?"


Reply August 10, 2014 - edited

[quote=Anthorix]hands close to your abdomen.

too much heat in a short amount of time-> watch carefully/ constantly

low heat for a long time-> watch occasionally

if you smell it, its a signal that the heat has transfered to most of what yur cooking, if you can't it prolly needs to stay on the fire for a while longer,

but smell isn't the only sense, amirite, so just use all of your senses associated with "eating" for "cooking"

because cooking isn't really automatic, its something you start->prepare food/ cooking utensils-> control how to cook it-> place onto heat-> watch-> control heat-> watch-> until "done"


what level should i be to make a Turducken?[/quote]

I can't cook if I don't know the basics of ingredients like salt and soy sauce

Reply August 10, 2014 - edited

Watch gordon ramsay videos.

Reply August 10, 2014 - edited

1. Find easy/beginner recipes online. There are TONs you can find for free.
2. Buy ingredients.
3. Start cooking.

It's really not hard if you know how to read and follow directions.

Reply August 10, 2014 - edited

Buy a cookbook or search up recipes online and follow the directions

Reply August 10, 2014 - edited

hands close to your abdomen.

too much heat in a short amount of time-> watch carefully/ constantly

low heat for a long time-> watch occasionally

if you smell it, its a signal that the heat has transfered to most of what yur cooking, if you can't it prolly needs to stay on the fire for a while longer,

but smell isn't the only sense, amirite, so just use all of your senses associated with "eating" for "cooking"

because cooking isn't really automatic, its something you start->prepare food/ cooking utensils-> control how to cook it-> place onto heat-> watch-> control heat-> watch-> until "done"


what level should i be to make a Turducken?

Reply August 10, 2014 - edited