

Imaginary friends are better than real friends

I kid you not, I used to be so lonely in middle school I made an imaginary friend and my goodness, the friends I have now in highschool cannot compare a single bit. Imaginary friends can cater to you and make you feel better anytime, whereas all my friends ever do is shove me around all the time and while its comic relief occasionally, its mostly depressing being the loser of the pack. Just wanted to throw this out for the topic of loneliness. Maybe its time to dig that old friend from the grave?

February 25, 2015

14 Comments • Newest first


Imaginary friends never worked for me. I can't talk to something that's invisible. I used to collect stuffed toys instead. I still keep some of them to this day.

I like being "weird". It's in my nature, I guess. I like trying new things.

Reply February 26, 2015 - edited

Those aren't friends. o-o"
I never had an imaginary friend. I refer to myself in the third person and pretend I'm a cat and I talk to my stuffed animals, but I could never grasp the ability to manifest an imaginary being to cater to my fragile self-esteem.
Maybe you should invest in a lifelong hobby/interest (like cooking or completely devote yourself to studying physics or mastering an instrument or language) instead of an imaginary friend. You might pick up some good skills/knowledge and possibly draw nicer people towards you instead (which you could totally deny friendship with if you still wish to be alone).

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

[quote=Blackest]yall weird as hell[/quote]

lmao ikr

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

You must not have experienced true friendship yet.
Try to interact with as many people as you can until you find the right group.
Once you find that perfect friendship, you will ask yourself you why ever thought "imaginary friends" were better than [b]true[/b] friends.

Good luck.

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

[url=]I thought this was sort of relevant, and if not it's definitely cool [/url]

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

Make friends with robots, it'll do wonders for you.

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

yall weird as hell

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

I tried to have an imaginary friend but I could never convince myself for it to be true.

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

I didn't have an imaginary friend when I was young, but I did have an imaginary companion during long car rides.

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

My best friends are my 3DS and my dog
Friends come n go but video games are forever

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

Hello darkness my old friend

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

why not just talk to yourself....well that is what you are doing anyway.

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

I just have no friends at all and am constantly reminded that I'm lonely and depressed and people don't like me cause I'm sad/angry all the time and no one likes dealing with that. I've never had an imaginary friend though.

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited

Imaginary friends never stab you in the back, make you feel worthless, ignore you, or take your friendship for granted.

Reply February 25, 2015 - edited