Playing League of Legends

Well im pretty bored of MS theres nothing to do anymore, played all classes.
So i want to play League of Legends. I know NOTHING about the game. its downloading right now 11% so far.
so looking for buddies to guide me and help me out. thanks <3

August 15, 2012

25 Comments • Newest first


i've quit ms 2 years ago for this game still playing it im 1400 =D

Reply August 30, 2012

Play dota 2

Reply August 30, 2012

Community sucks. Learning curve is pretty steep for new players too.

Reply August 30, 2012

Teemo is the best.

Reply August 30, 2012

[quote=LokcCap]Because even if Darius does crappy in lane, during team fights he can pick up easy kills with his Ult

My recommendation on champions are

Top- Shen(banned in rank), Garen, the only two I top with because I rarely go top, Riven is a good choice as well

Jungle- Nunu, Nocturne, Shen, J4, Dr Mundo, Leona isn't bad aswell.

Mid- Talon, Twisted Fate, Gragas, Ahri, Kassadin(banned in ranked) Ryze, Annie

AD Carry- Sivir, Ashe, Graves,

Support - Soraka, Alistar, Blitz, Lulu[/quote]

Darius's ult has a half second delay so he can be killed during the delay. When I play as Darius, I'm usually the 2nd target after the adc in a teamfight.

Reply August 29, 2012

[quote=Xeihro]Why do people say that darius is a really good top champion? He does good damage with his bleeding, but he has no escape ability when ganked.[/quote]

Because even if Darius does crappy in lane, during team fights he can pick up easy kills with his Ult

My recommendation on champions are

Top- Shen(banned in rank), Garen, the only two I top with because I rarely go top, Riven is a good choice as well

Jungle- Nunu, Nocturne, Shen, J4, Dr Mundo, Leona isn't bad aswell.

Mid- Talon, Twisted Fate, Gragas, Ahri, Kassadin(banned in ranked) Ryze, Annie

AD Carry- Sivir, Ashe, Graves,

Support - Soraka, Alistar, Blitz, Lulu

Reply August 29, 2012 - edited

[quote=GreatRomantic]Up until summoner level like 15 I was going Mid lane with Ashe. NEVER lost mid. I was surprised myself when I realized mid is for the AP carry.

Edit: Jungling is probably the safest position you can play in a game, mid lane being the second.
Top lane is difficult if your jungler sucks at ganking.
Bot (bottom) lane is the most pressured lane you can get into. If you feed their AD carry it's over. If I go bot I usually go AP Teemo or AD/Tanky Pantheon. I never lose my lanes unless my support sucks.

Recommended Champions:

1. Support (Supports usually go bot lane)
- Soraka (Soraka can also be a great Mid laner)
- Alistar (Also considered a Tank)
- Janna
- Sona
- Blitzcrank (Also considered a Tank)
- Taric (Also considered a Tank)

2. AD Carry (Usually Bot lane)
- Vayne (The best of the best, IMO, in terms of being an AD carry)
- Ashe
- Graves
- Corki
- Caitlyn
- Miss Fortune
- Twitch
- Sivir
- Draven

3. AP Carry/Mid Laner
- Ryze
- Fizz
- Galio
- Cassiopeia
- Brand

4. Tanks (Tanks usually act as Support in bot lane -- some can jungle)
- Rammus
- Shen
- Alistar
- Volibear
- Singed
- Blitzcrank

5. Junglers
- Nocturne
- Master Yi (I don't see many people jungle with him, but If he's my top pick as a jungler --- I win most my games; I end up being the carry)
- Shaco (The MOST annoying jungler. Period.)
- Alistar
- Nautilus
- Shyvana
- Fiddlesticks
- Udyr
- Evelynn

6. Top Laner (Top laners usually solo lane --- meaning they are the only champion on your team to be in that lane)
- Darius (One of the best if not the best --- Tanky AD)
- Shen (Tank also)
- Dianna (Can also act AP/Mid)
- Vladimir (Can also act as an AP Carry/Mid)
- Jax (One of the best 1v1 champions)
- Irelia (Tanky AD)
- Olaf (Tanky AD)[/quote]

Why do people say that darius is a really good top champion? He does good damage with his bleeding, but he has no escape ability when ganked.

Reply August 29, 2012 - edited

[quote=Xeihro]I didn't even know that AP champs are suppose to go mid until my summoner level was like 25.[/quote]

Up until summoner level like 15 I was going Mid lane with Ashe. NEVER lost mid. I was surprised myself when I realized mid is for the AP carry.

Edit: Jungling is probably the safest position you can play in a game, mid lane being the second.
Top lane is difficult if your jungler sucks at ganking.
Bot (bottom) lane is the most pressured lane you can get into. If you feed their AD carry it's over. If I go bot I usually go AP Teemo or AD/Tanky Pantheon. I never lose my lanes unless my support sucks.

Recommended Champions:

1. Support (Supports usually go bot lane)
- Soraka (Soraka can also be a great Mid laner)
- Alistar (Also considered a Tank)
- Janna
- Sona
- Blitzcrank (Also considered a Tank)
- Taric (Also considered a Tank)

2. AD Carry (Usually Bot lane)
- Vayne (The best of the best, IMO, in terms of being an AD carry)
- Ashe
- Graves
- Corki
- Caitlyn
- Miss Fortune
- Twitch
- Sivir
- Draven

3. AP Carry/Mid Laner
- Ryze
- Fizz
- Galio
- Cassiopeia
- Brand

4. Tanks (Tanks usually act as Support in bot lane -- some can jungle)
- Rammus
- Shen
- Alistar
- Volibear
- Singed
- Blitzcrank

5. Junglers
- Nocturne
- Master Yi (I don't see many people jungle with him, but If he's my top pick as a jungler --- I win most my games; I end up being the carry)
- Shaco (The MOST annoying jungler. Period.)
- Alistar
- Nautilus
- Shyvana
- Fiddlesticks
- Udyr
- Evelynn

6. Top Laner (Top laners usually solo lane --- meaning they are the only champion on your team to be in that lane)
- Darius (One of the best if not the best --- Tanky AD)
- Shen (Tank also)
- Dianna (Can also act AP/Mid)
- Vladimir (Can also act as an AP Carry/Mid)
- Jax (One of the best 1v1 champions)
- Irelia (Tanky AD)
- Olaf (Tanky AD)

Reply August 29, 2012 - edited

[quote=Decency]it takes like a month to know what you're doing, and maybe 3 months to be good. unless you're patient enough to study items etc.[/quote]

I didn't even know that AP champs are suppose to go mid until my summoner level was like 25.

Reply August 29, 2012 - edited

thanks added everyone

Reply August 23, 2012 - edited


>Not wasting my time removing
>Who says I can't visit forums when I want?
>You mad? because all of a sudden you talking like this

Reply August 20, 2012 - edited

i'm kidding.

Goddamn maplestory nig too tryhard.[/quote]

It's funny because if you look up all my characters I deleted all my characters around 6 Months ago back in February when I quit, nig.

Reply August 20, 2012 - edited

[quote=MoldyPeanut]Don't listen to this fellow.
Dive straight into ranked when you hit 30, play and believe you should be in the higher brackets, and dive to the depths of the ladder.

But yeah, find people you know and play with them. It's generally fun with a group, instead of alone unless you wanna have a 24/7 ragefest.

fyi, don't use mobafire..solomid works wonders more.[/quote]

Lmao, don't listen to this guy. Rank is full of down syndrome kids who feed all day when they don't get what they want. If you feed one kill your team rages at you more so than that of normals. Don't do ranks, unless you're a competitive player, have the runes, and know the basic rules of knowing when to back out, when to gank, where to ward. Both sites suck I usually follow top streamer builds.

Reply August 19, 2012 - edited

Add me, DuhKyle. Level 30 summoner. Just looking to have fun

Reply August 19, 2012 - edited

Don't play with randoms (most of them are either super-noobs, smurfers, or ____ holes).
I'd tell you to play a certain champion, but everyone has a preferred play-style (me, I prefer tanks/offtanks and supports -exception of learning new chars or Twisted Fate)

Reply August 18, 2012 - edited

added everyone need more friends <3
also i ve been using Veigar & Ashe.

Reply August 17, 2012 - edited

Ive added everyone. Still looking for more friends.

Reply August 17, 2012 - edited

im lvl 21 you can add me Add me as Dinosaurtrail is my name

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

All about theory crafting and knowing your role in the game
APcarry kills AD/AP carry
ADcarry kills everything
Tanks take damage
Support support(wards,buff items,etc)
Jungle helps all lanes(usually top and mid) and controls the dragon/baron
EDIT:BIG POINTER FOR ME remember the goal of the game is to break the nexus, when I started out I had plenty of morons just killing the enemy champions but ignore their towers and nexus which lead to the lost of the game.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

Don't worry, I'm a noob at moba games, but I still play.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

add me. My name is Matengon im a lvl 28 summoner.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

It's an ok game. Actually it's pretty fun but only with friends.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

[quote=jhardy720]play vindictus too [/quote]

I did. got a lvl 32 Lann
is the archer class out yet?

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

If you suck- you really suck.
I suck.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited