
Visual range 2m limit break question

How can I tell my damage after I reach the 2m~2m limit?
I always see ppl bragging about their 3m or 4m range but how can they possibly tell?
Thanks guys

May 2, 2016

5 Comments • Newest first


Wow this really had me working again of my lame math skills, but it worked after few attempts

Reply May 2, 2016

Max Range: {Weapon Multiplier * [(4 * Primary Stat) + Secondary Stat] * [(Attack/100) * (1+Atk%)]} * (1 + TotalDmg%)

It should be noted that while Total Damage can increase your range significantly, it's factored into your actual damage alongside boss damage, so it's true impact on your damage isn't as significant as it may seem based on your range.

True Damage: {Weapon Multiplier * [(4 * Primary Stat) + Secondary Stat] * [(Attack / 100) * (1+Atk%)] } * Skill % * (1 + %Boss + Total Damage%)

Multiply the result from true damage by your average crit multiplier (average of your min and max crit) and then by any final damage buffs you might have for your true damage with crits.

Reply May 2, 2016

@morrie2: Although this method seems pretty smart, it won't necessarily work. For one thing, people's min and max crit could very greatly, so that can greatly affect range.

Also, at a certain point people just hit cap, and when you hit cap you can have a 10m range but still look like youre doing the same amount of damage as someone with 6-7m range.
In short, the damage calculator provided above should be your best bet.

Reply May 2, 2016

Weapon Multiplier * ((4 * Primary Stat) + Secondary Stat) * (Attack / 100)

Reply May 2, 2016

attack monter with normal attack devide by crit and boom, do this 100 times for more accuracy

Reply May 2, 2016