
Rgt Teased

Hello Everyone!

We are currently accepting members into Teased in Windia! Please visit to apply! Before you apply, please take the time to look through our website to find out more about us!
You must be level 100+, active, legit, and kind! When you fill our our short form on the website. PLEASE BE SURE YOU REQUEST TO JOIN TEASED IN GAME SO WE CAN ACCEPT YOUR REQUEST so you can join right away!

We are allied with Prelude, Volatile, Tingle, and Fables. At the last Friday of every month, we have Alliance Day events which includes mini games as well as prizes! Again, you can view more about it on the website! You can have a chance to meet the members of your guild, alliance, all while being able to have a chance at winning some cool prizes!

Please consider joining Teased! Thank you very much!

September 25, 2015

42 Comments • Newest first


I sincerely thank you. Please do apologize to Jess.

Reply September 27, 2015

I wish i was in that guild at that time.

Reply September 27, 2015 - edited

[quote=someid]@marveious: Case proven.[/quote]

Teased is under completely new leadership and big changes are underway to prevent things like this from happening. I'd like to state that those that were involved in the drama (pressuring to kick you, threatening Jess, the petition, arguing on this thread, etc) are no longer in Teased//in position of power and have not been in Teased since before this thread was posted i.e. Kernelfish-KristlevurMarveious-Marvei among several others. It'd be appreciated if everyone could refrain from bringing up events from the past that have nothing to do the the new leadership team. It would hamper the efforts being made to give Teased a brand new face by the new leadership team. Once again we apologize for what happened in the past and for what our former Teased members may have said and done. We plan on changing Teased to prevent events like that from happening. As an act of good faith (pardon me if I'm using that phrase incorrectly) you are more than welcome to join the alliance if you choose to do so. I will personally apologize to Jess for what past Teased members have done in an effort to restore any, "burnt bridges,"once I get in contact with her. The new Teased is not interested in starting any drama or ostracizing anyone. We'd like to grow the guild again to become a family and a nice friendly community in Windia. If you or anyone have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or any form of feedback please don't hesitate to find me in game.

Thank you

Reply September 27, 2015 - edited

[quote=kernelfish]First of all, you weren't the only person to write a letter. At least four of us wrote letters to the petitions to nexon. Jess and I aren't incredibly close but I have never had a problem with Jess period. The petition is a joke, we all starting petitioning each other out of the guild for fun.
Second of all, I was petitioned as well. Learn to take a joke. (because if it wasn't a joke, I don't think naming a guild leader after a North Korean dictator that slaughters thousands of its citizens and leaves millions of people in starvation would be very appealing)
I got ./votekick out of society until I finished reading the patch notes.
Lastly, I'm not labeling you as sexist on the basis about your unequal wages among the private sector because of uneven productivity because honestly, I don't really care and it's not my field of expertise but I am definitely labeling you as a pathetic and disgusting human being.
If you have so many people "hating on you" then instead of being trying to convince 9 people that you aren't, why not actually find out a legitimate reason why they don't like you? I'm not even in Teased but my overall experience with you even beyond the Skype calls, you're an absolute prick. About the sexism comment, I'm not saying every woman is justified in calling men disgusting but you give us an incredibly bad name. The type of person that you aspire or seem to want to be like is the type of person that really scars someone's life and from the displeasure of the 30 minutes I had to talk with you on Skype, you were exactly the type of person that I would never want to see with a girl. Completely sleazy and selfish to their own desires. I also really dislike people who rub their degrees in other people's faces just to try and justify or give more reason to what they're saying because either they're too lazy or cannot think of a good enough reason to justify their own dislike on the topic. I can rub my degree in your face too but I don't because a degree isn't a replacement for common sense, intelligence and being a decent human being. You shouldn't have to "take time out of your day" to help Christy if she's your friend by the way. I can say I put in 7 hours before, during and after work going through the TOS trying to get her unbanned, wrote multiple letters to Nexon, and offered to send them a box of chocolates to maybe lessen tensions but I did it because she was my friend and she needed my help and so no, I didn't "jerk off and do nothing" We've given you a lot of chances to make up for what you've done. We've told you to treat others better, watch what you say because it might offend someone and apologizing previous remarks that have offended people but yet you continue to re-offend over and over again.

Sure I can come talk to you again but it's not like you plan to listen to me anyways like the last time and I don't have 30 minutes in my day to waste trying to explain it to someone who comes in expecting everyone else to be wrong regardless of what they say. The alliance might not have been perfect but they sure has hell had plenty of good reasons to kick you multiple times but they didn't because they believed that you could improve.[/quote]

Lol. See the flaw in your argument?
This is a joke. That is a joke.
Let me just votekick people or make petitions "as a joke".
Let me just insult this person "as a joke". Oh yeah, let me claim all the bad things and slander this person in my alliance "as a joke".
Let me just threaten this player "as a joke"
Learn to take a joke! Let me just be an "a hole" and then say "it was just a joke bro".
Everything is a joke to you? Grow up man. There's a limit to your "jokes" before you cross the line.

And if you think sxual talks are disgusting then maybe dont read them. I wasn't even the person that started that conversation. I was just stating my opinions because I thought you guys were friends and I didn't need to take care of your feelings before I say something. If you think that "swallowing" is offensive to you then maybe don't partake in such conversations? No one is forcing you to read the skype group chat. (I said that swallowing is one of the attributes I need to find in a girl before I can consider marrying her, WHICH IS MY OWN OPINION).

That's like saying you find prn disturbing and then you whine to every person that watches it. Or you don't like Catholicism and then complain to every person that practices it.

That is like saying, you need to find a really fat girl before you can consider settling down. Will I find that weird? Yes. Will I be offended because I hate fat girls? Probably not because that is your OPINION. Will I judge you? Probably not because YOU ARE ENTITLED TO YOUR OWN OPINIONS. (whether if that opinion is right or wrong is the subject for another debate)


If you don't like my "attitude", I completely respect that. But why would you slander a person? Maybe just ignore me? Or you know, talk to me and sort out our differences? But noo. you have to assume that I won't listen and you have to slander me? Really?

It's fine and I respect your opinion if you think I'm disgusting or pathetic, but labeling someone as such is just wrong. There's a difference between your freedom of opinions and defamation.

I also don't "come in and expect every person to be wrong". In fact, the pursuit of knowledge is humble in nature. I have read enough Plato and Aristotle to know (here in Quebec, Canada, two classes in Philosophy is a must for your DEC, and I am doing another degree in Poli Sci which requires us to read most of the greek and roman philosophy). Furthermore, I am always open to criticism and discussions, as well as new knowledge. I don't mind if we argue, and you enlighten me. However, what pss me off is that sometimes the kids on maple don't want to discuss but rather just label me as a "bad person" and just call me "bad names" without actually being analytical with anything I said (ie. you). That is an ad hominem fallacy. (Which is very common with kids, I've been there too, so I don't blame you)

You talk to a person for only 30 mins and you automatically assume that they are "such and such person". Do you not see the flaw in your logic? Is that not ignorance? I never assumed you or anyone I have ever talked to as "such and such person" or "lower tier person" (In fact, if you are the brightest person in the room, you are in the wrong room. Therefore, life is a continuous pursuit of knowledge, every moment of every day. Always talk to another person like they can teach something to you. That is my philosophy, my way of life.) But after what I just read, how do you expect me to take you seriously if you have that kind of attitude?

You can ask other people in the alliance. How many times did I carry them through hellux? hard mag? CRA? How many capes I let them loot? or How much CRA gear I let them loot? How many souls I gave away? I even gave away free enchanter service and three line service. How many people did I give free leech to in sdh? How many people I helped out with free spell spell traces? Just because you don't like me, that makes me automatically a bad person?

You claim that lots of people tried to help Christy out when she got banned, so what I did was nothing special. That is fine. But (like a broken needle kid) you missing the point. I said I tried to help Christy, while you weren't doing anything helpful.
I claim this for two reasons. Firstly, Im not even close with Christy, so if Christy is looking for help in the glamour group chat, that pretty much says a lot about the quality of help you guys provided.
Secondly, I claimed that because I want to prove two points. One, Im not a bad person. I really do help people within my power. Two, I really considered you as my friends, which is why I took the time out of my day to help her write a letter.
Im not saying Im a perfect person, and I don't expect all of you to like me. I understand that my attitude can sometimes come off as arrogant or ignorant. Some people tell me that. But that is due to my philosophy, my understanding of life and my experience growing up. There is nothing wrong with you not liking my attitude or disagreeing with me, but then again, remember, betas will claim arrogance when alphas will respect the confidence. However, there's a MAJOR difference between not liking and straight up slander. You people even threatened Jessica instead of coming directly to me and talk it out like adults. That to me is a big sign of wimping, weakness and cowardliness.

[quote=kernelfish]If you have so many people "hating on you" then instead of being trying to convince 9 people that you aren't, why not actually find out a legitimate reason why they don't like you? [/quote]

You got it twisted. I didn't do anything wrong (in my opinion anyway). What Im trying to do is convincing you that WHAT YOU DID IS REALLY PATHETIC. You won't come discuss with me as adults but rather call me names and threaten another player when she had nothing to do with any of this.

There is no "legitimate" reason why they don't like me. People just love to hate what is unknown or hate people who are better. Also remember kids, ain'ters gonna ain't. They hate us cause they ain't us. So I will never change myself or my way of life just because some kids on an online video game judge me. Not everyone is a whimp like you. I don't feel two shts about what you think of me and I don't need to feel accepted by the likes of you. Betas judge, while alphas DO.

By the way, I never rubbed my degree in anyone's face. In fact, my degree isn't even that fancy because I had to switch to a cheaper school two years in cause my father died. I only stated that my background in economics is relevant to the discussion of wages. I don't know how that offends you but I guess those insecurities must be tough in life.

Again, for the last time, free market economics is at work here. In the private sector the unbalanced wage is justified by the difference in productivity. That is the American dream. If you aren't happy about your wage or think that you are underpaid, either look for a better job or work harder. Both of which do not require whining in alliance chat of an onine video game. Also, don't give me that "it's hard to find another job in this economy", or "its because women are underpaid" BS. That is just giving yout self excuses for your failures and inactions. Betas will always blame external factors. When you fail to succeed you shouldn't give your self excuses and you shouldn't drop the bar lower, but work even harder. That is the American dream. We are in the land of opportunity. You can achieve what you want if you work hard and whine less. (In maple and real life)

I don't care what excuses you have. If you have problems with me, you can come talk with me. We can discuss it as adults. I am always open to criticisms. When Paul talked to me about people whining in the alliance, I took her advice and tried to be nicer to people. (For the record, I believe that if you say you have sht damage, you deserve it. If you want to be in a better situation, whining will not help you, you must work hard. Sure you can say I "paid" with real money, but understand that my money comes from me working 3 shifts during summer. So I did indeed work hard to obtain it, instead of whining about my sht damage all day long in alliance chat. I literally just said, "stop whining" in alliance chat. It is NOT MY FAULT if you are so pathetic that you fell offended by that)

If you came to me with valid arguments and suggestions, I would've listened to you and figure out a way to make everything work (I would've even quit the guild if it ever came to that point). But instead, you label me "disgusting", "sxist" and threaten Jessica to kick her whole guild out. That is really really immature and low. You don't deserve any of my respect after you pulled that BS off. So F U TEASED WINDIA. If you want to make things right, stop being a lil btch, admit that what you did crossed the line and APOLOGIZE TO JESSICA. I will never change my stream title until you apologize to her.

Reply September 27, 2015 - edited

First of all, you weren't the only person to write a letter. At least four of us wrote letters to the petitions to nexon. Jess and I aren't incredibly close but I have never had a problem with Jess period. The petition is a joke, we all starting petitioning each other out of the guild for fun.
Second of all, I was petitioned as well. Learn to take a joke. (because if it wasn't a joke, I don't think naming a guild leader after a North Korean dictator that slaughters thousands of its citizens and leaves millions of people in starvation would be very appealing)
I got ./votekick out of society until I finished reading the patch notes.
Lastly, I'm not labeling you as sexist on the basis about your unequal wages among the private sector because of uneven productivity because honestly, I don't really care and it's not my field of expertise but I am definitely labeling you as a pathetic and disgusting human being.
If you have so many people "hating on you" then instead of being trying to convince 9 people that you aren't, why not actually find out a legitimate reason why they don't like you? I'm not even in Teased but my overall experience with you even beyond the Skype calls, you're an absolute prick. About the sexism comment, I'm not saying every woman is justified in calling men disgusting but you give us an incredibly bad name. The type of person that you aspire or seem to want to be like is the type of person that really scars someone's life and from the displeasure of the 30 minutes I had to talk with you on Skype, you were exactly the type of person that I would never want to see with a girl. Completely sleazy and selfish to their own desires. I also really dislike people who rub their degrees in other people's faces just to try and justify or give more reason to what they're saying because either they're too lazy or cannot think of a good enough reason to justify their own dislike on the topic. I can rub my degree in your face too but I don't because a degree isn't a replacement for common sense, intelligence and being a decent human being. You shouldn't have to "take time out of your day" to help Christy if she's your friend by the way. I can say I put in 7 hours before, during and after work going through the TOS trying to get her unbanned, wrote multiple letters to Nexon, and offered to send them a box of chocolates to maybe lessen tensions but I did it because she was my friend and she needed my help and so no, I didn't "jerk off and do nothing" We've given you a lot of chances to make up for what you've done. We've told you to treat others better, watch what you say because it might offend someone and apologizing previous remarks that have offended people but yet you continue to re-offend over and over again.

Sure I can come talk to you again but it's not like you plan to listen to me anyways like the last time and I don't have 30 minutes in my day to waste trying to explain it to someone who comes in expecting everyone else to be wrong regardless of what they say. The alliance might not have been perfect but they sure has hell had plenty of good reasons to kick you multiple times but they didn't because they believed that you could improve.

Reply September 27, 2015 - edited

[quote=cptshah]We didn't? He was never in Teased.[/quote]

Because who needs logic when you have swag.

For the record, I don't hate Teased per say. I just hate the fact that you whimps had to go ahead and make a petition behind my back, and threaten to kick Jess from the alliance.

If you have problems with me, you can come talk to me. Why would you threaten Jess?

All of this drama, just because we had different opinions? Only because I believe that unequal wage in the private sector is justified by the uneven productivity between genders? You label me a sexist even though I have a degree in economics and I tried to reason with you with VALID arguments?

I really thought we were friends. I even took the time out of my day to help Christy write a letter to Nexon when she got banned while all of you were jerking off doing nothing.

Then you stab me in the back just because we had an argument in alliance chat? That is really pathetic of you.

Reply September 26, 2015 - edited

[quote=azngrldaisy]Hi, I sent in the request yesterday but when I checked again just now, it gave me the option to request to join again?[/quote]

Request again please. For some reason all the requests disappeared from the request tab today and we're trying to track down the people that requested originally.

Reply September 26, 2015 - edited

[quote=ezperanza11]For those who have applied, PLEASE request in game so we can accept you right away! Thank you for choosing Teased ^_^[/quote]

Hi, I sent in the request yesterday but when I checked again just now, it gave me the option to request to join again?

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

For those who have applied, PLEASE request in game so we can accept you right away! Thank you for choosing Teased ^_^

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

Wow can't believe you made a website...?

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

Ooft~ havent seen a WiX website in years!

OT: When server transfers are available I'll see to it to request to join you guys!

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

onejosh1rod lmao.....

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

I sent in a request ^____^

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

remember when you guys recruited two scammers, disgruntle and onejosh1rod into your guild
i do

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

I'm from Bera, but I'm very impressed with that website! Such a neat Idea to have one for a guild, I may look into creating one for my own. Hope you guys find some cool members

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

the guild name is stupid and you guys kicked bryce when he did so much for the guild all cause y'all are weak and can't deal with a d/c hacker

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

nob guild do not joiin they kicked me out for hacking who does that srs

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

We didn't? He was never in Teased.

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

y did ya guys kick F4int?

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

tfw u prolly didnt get accepted

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

[quote=equinoxes]Niiceee. I will definitely join and I already sent in my application, under the ign of "AurumArrow." Speaking of which, there is a correction I'd like to make.When I said I'll be on at around 3:00 P.M EST, if refers to Saturday, not Friday. Sorry![/quote]

AurumArrow, we will be accepting you to our guild! We don't request to you, you open the guild window in game and search "Teased" and click request to join, and as soon as you do we will accept you! Thank you for applying

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

Niiceee. I will definitely join and I already sent in my application, under the ign of "AurumArrow." Speaking of which, there is a correction I'd like to make.When I said I'll be on at around 3:00 P.M EST, if refers to Saturday, not Friday. Sorry!

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

@cxter: yes
but i recently came back

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

It might have been down for updates/changes. Try checking now if you can access the site.

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

Hi, good luck~

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

that tumblr lady got banned ur site pic is updated

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

[quote=xkillo32]i think it's time for me to leave sirius[/quote]
wasnt that guild dead ages ago?

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

ur website isn't working

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

I wonder if I'm still in Prelude...
Gonna have to update and check

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

I'm leaving Pastewrong for you guys <3

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

I'm leaving PreIude just to join you guys.

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

invite me my ign is taiiaendra

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

Are scammers and hackers allowed?

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

Will you tease me if im noob?

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

pls dont recruit more skemmers

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

i think it's time for me to leave sirius

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

How active are you guys? I love my the people in my guild, but it can be pretty dead at times

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

i might give windia a go, want to join a new world. so i guess ill try this one

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

This sounds like a lot of fun! Everyone in Windia should join!

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

[quote=wall]I don't play in windia[/quote]


Reply September 25, 2015 - edited