
Hacker trying to hack me? Alright so all this happened when I was sitting in my guild HQ talking to my friend. All of a sudden, this 11x dawn warrior comes in and joins in our conversation talking a bunch of smack. He goes in and tries to show off with range and then comes on his paladin to show off even more. Keep in mind this was all done in MY guild HQ and one of my guild mates was there to witness all of it. I ignore him and setup shop and watch netflix on the same screen. A few minutes later I get whispers from 0Q6R0 asking if I crashed the HQ of WiiPimpin. Now I tell him that I didn't, I mean how could I? I've been in MY HQ this entire time and I have no reason to dc them not to mention I don't know how. Anyways later he calls me a li

General Chat

If you died and could text one person. Who would it be? Lets say you're dead and you unable to come back to life regardless of today's modern technology of health and science. Now let's say you've became a ghost but only for a very short period of time. You see a cellphone, may not be yours, and you decide to text someone dear to you. You only have enough time to text one person and one message. My question to you, who would you text and what would you say? Your message can't be longer than 30 words. Edit: It can be anyone that exists on planet Earth.

General Chat

100 things I love about her This is the list of 100 things of why or things I love about Edit: You can view her list [url=]here.[/url] 1. I love your beautiful and innocent smile. 2. You make me feel like the only person in this world when we're talking. 3. You let me comfort you. 4. You always comfort me. 5. You try to cheer me up when something's wrong. 6. You're always concern about the people around you. 7. You handle any bad situation reasonable. 8. I love it when we watch movies together. 9. I always feel like cuddling with you. 10. You let me know what's wrong. 11. You accept me for who I am. 12. You like my lame cheesy jokes. 13. Your shyness is rare but when

General Chat

Grammar Policing. Do you hate it Most of you refer it to "Grammar Nazis" and most of you hate those who've become part of it. It wasn't until now that I understand the motives behind grammar policing, well in my point of view anyways. Thanks to my instructor for medical specialties, I've learned to accept my mistakes and set my ego aside. I don't believe it's, and in most cases it is, to prove who's smarter but rather to help you improve on your linguistic abilities. I know I wouldn't be caught dead misplacing two homophones on a resume or APA paper. Instead of taking it in offence, look at it as a way to improve your grammar. I mean that's what the foundation of "Grammar Nazi" was made to be right? I do realize some who

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