

Advice on first Ap test

Tomorrow i will be taking my first AP test..APUSH. Is there any advice that the basil community can give me? Everyone told me to just relax but i can't help but get nervous since it's timed and this test determines whether or not i wasted my entire year... Anyone have any tips and suggestions? Thanks!

May 13, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


Thanks everyone! I took it today and feel pretty good about it ! It seems a lot easier than my teacher's usual test, but i don't want to be too over excited without knowing my score..and that won't happen until July >_<

Reply May 14, 2014

-Barely anyone runs out of time, maybe on the FRQ's but just get the point across as easily as possible. They don't grade on the amount of words you have, and that seems to be a foreign concept to lots of people

-Don't stress about it, just do what you can. If you think you can keep track of it, move on to the next multiple choice question if you feel very hesitant about the answer, because sitting there for 3 minutes on 1 question can have a negative impact

-Eat almonds and raisins, be hydrated

Reply May 14, 2014

I'm taking it tomorrow, as well.
Just relax. I am studying mildly and not vigorously worrying because doing that will make me forget things.

Reply May 14, 2014

Like everyone else has said.. Relax. Sleep. and eat well for breakfast.
you can do it!

Reply May 13, 2014

relax today and get a good night's sleep. I have apush tomorrow too and I don't think it'll be too hard

Reply May 13, 2014

APUSH is the easiest AP subject. Just chill. :^)

Reply May 13, 2014

All i could tell you is to GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Eat a good breakfast. Make sure your brain is working.
During my AP tests i've actually fallen asleep for 30 minutes because I crammed the whole week. It wasn't very hard though so i finished on time.

Reply May 13, 2014