

Someone please help me

Hey guys i don't usually like talking about my life on basil.. but i really am feeling lost right now..

my 10 year old cousin died a few days ago from cancer.. it was a huge blow to my family.. i was at a lose of words seeing how just a few years ago this.. beautiful young girl full of life could just.. disappear.. I've been trying my best to say she's in a better place and that she's happy now.. but every time i do.. i just start crying and i regret remember how much i regret losing her.. My Parents were not too friendly with my cousin's Parents so i haven't been able to see her in a few years.. i couldn't see her until it was too late.. from when i remembered how she looked.. to what she became? i was in utter shock and i couldn't understand how this could have happened. She couldn't even speak.. i couldn't even hear her speak before she left and this week has been horrible just thinking about her makes me break down and cry.. i really tried getting help they haven't been a lot of help.. i tried to talk to my girlfriend but she doesn't even respond.. i haven't been myself and i could.. really use some support from anyone right now please..

February 25, 2014

14 Comments • Newest first


someone close to me also had cancer. you have to think they're in a better place now, they don't have to suffer anymore, and continue to cherish the memory of them. they will continue to be with you in your heart and watch over you. don't be sad, everybody eventually dies; it's living a meaningful life that is important.

Reply February 25, 2014

Even if she's dead, you have to believe she's always with you and everyone else.

If this doesn't work, then live you life for her. Live to make her happy. Smile to make her happy. Have fun to make her happy.

This might sound a little mean, but don't think you lost her, but that you actually got closer to her. Feelings for each other makes those people get closer to each other, not life nor death.

So, don't hold your feelings back, let them out and you'll get closer to her.

(Sorry for bad english, I hope you understood what I tried to say)


Reply February 25, 2014

[quote=GurlMaybe]My condolences to her family.

If it offers you any grievance, the memories will start to blur, time has a miraculous effect on people in which they forget the bad times and remember the good.
Just remember the times you spent with her, and not apart from her.

I hope you find peace in this time of great disdain. I won't say I feel sorry for you, I hated when people said that they were sorry when I had lost someone. But if you would like to hear that, than please do ask other Basilers for it.

My heart goes out to you. xoxo

@Thiefy996 ".." isn't an ellipsis either. Also, grammatically he doesn't need to use an ellipsis, as an ellipsis would be used to cut things shorter, omitting repetitive/non important data.[/quote]

i dont want people to feel bad for me.. the only thing i want is to have her back..
all the time i spent with her? we couldn't spend anytime together because of family relationships i regret it soo much.. not being able to talk to her or spend anytime with her..

Reply February 25, 2014

remember you're not alone. your family is there for you too.

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

Sorry for you loss. I lost someone very important to me when I was young and it was hard but things will get better. Don't put yourself down at all though. Playing the "what if" game can honestly go on forever and won't help you at all. You being upset for missing her shouldn't be something you regret either. It just shows you care for her. I'm assuming you already tried to get counseling so I'd just suggest doing things to get your mind off the subject. Maybe start a new hobby or try hanging with your friends some! If you need someone to talk to though, feel free to hit me up.

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

How am I suppose to hold all these feels?

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

[quote=amazingatheist]well what did they say caused it? "tobacco use, dietary factors, certain infections, exposure to radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants."
and what kind of cancer?[/quote]

the cause is unknown it was bone cancer /:

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

[quote=amazingatheist]well what did they say caused it? "tobacco use, dietary factors, certain infections, exposure to radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants."
and what kind of cancer?[/quote]

maybe there were no symtoms

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

[quote=thief4vaal54]no the cancer was undetected until it was too late.. they tried their best to save her but the cancer spread to far[/quote]

well what did they say caused it? "tobacco use, dietary factors, certain infections, exposure to radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants."
and what kind of cancer?

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

[quote=amazingatheist]damn. what was the cause? does her dad smoke a lot?[/quote]

no the cancer was undetected until it was too late.. they tried their best to save her but the cancer spread to far

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

damn. what was the cause? does her dad smoke a lot?

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

wow, i felt the chills for you, sorry for your loss

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

Before anything rest in peace. Say your good byes, and keep her in your memories. Friends and family, they'll know what to say. You know what life is,take advantage of every minute you have alive.

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited

If you are religious: she's in a better place
If you are not religious: her life will live forever in your heart

Reply February 25, 2014 - edited