

Middle eastern populations considered white?

So I just found out that most of Health schools (Medicine, dental, pharmacy, ...) consider middle eastern descents as white. How is that even possible? we are as far apart as two groups can be. It is like grouping Indians and eastern Asians in one group and calling them Asians. Yes, they do live in the same continent, but they are very different in look/culture/behaviour/history.

For those of you who still don't get why I'm upset, it's because I cannot consider myself as minority in my application. Why should blacks get advantage in admission process, and I can't? You going to yell slaves? I'll yell bullets stuffed in my ass. Not that I was in war or anything, but just like those kids who claim that slavery affected them, I can claim that wars in my region affected me.
/end rant

Do you agree with me or not? are middle eastern descents white ?

April 25, 2014

20 Comments • Newest first


They're very similar genetically. Ranging form paler ones along the Mediterranean sea islands to the darker-tonned people from Syria, or Egypt. White & Middle eastern people are classified under the group 'caucasoid', and so are Indians.
Asians aren't a race, but a group of people from a specific region.

Reply April 26, 2014

[quote=yesno1]@aznseal: Time spent playing sports/hanging out can be time spent improving my application too. It is ok to take time off and do things/say things you want to do/say.[/quote]

You have to find balance. When I was your age, I was super vocal against affirmative action as well. I didn't think it was fair because I had to get better grades than a black kid to get into school. As I got older, I realized that I had to achieve higher grades because I was given more to work with. I didn't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. Yes, affirmative action helps richer URM more, but i'm willing to accept that if it helps the poorer ones. I don't like it, but I want people to have healthcare. Ideally, we wouldn't need affirmative action because school would be more accessible for everyone. Right now, I just accept it and work with it. You should do the same. What does complaining bring? You have to be realistic. Life's not fair. You feel unfair because you have to get better grades. Someone else feels unfair because they were born in the ghetto and life just dealt them a poopy hand.

Reply April 26, 2014

@aznseal: Time spent playing sports/hanging out can be time spent improving my application too. It is ok to take time off and do things/say things you want to do/say.

Reply April 26, 2014

[quote=aznseal]@yesno1: why do you want to go into medicine? Time spent complaining can be time spent improving your application.[/quote]

no more aznseal formspring
i am sad
i cant ask aznseal questions now

Reply April 26, 2014

@yesno1: why do you want to go into medicine? Time spent complaining can be time spent improving your application.

Reply April 26, 2014

[quote=Collee]Dude you're not a minority you're from the cradle of civilization shut up you're white.
Maybe they don't want any Muslim doctors?[/quote]
so because my ancestors were among first races who created civilization, I should shut up? humans developed in Africa, they should shut up as well!

Reply April 26, 2014

@Ldamplr: theres also the theory how everyone is related

Reply April 26, 2014

wtf no... some arabs have darker skin (somalis, yemenis, mauritanians, egyptians etc) and i'm pretty sure most people wouldn't
classify them as white...

Reply April 26, 2014

Caucasian doesn't mean white and affirmative action is based on representation, not "a bloo bloo my people were once slaves". Basing it on race and not class is stupid but that's how it is.

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

Dude you're not a minority you're from the cradle of civilization shut up you're white.
Maybe they don't want any Muslim doctors?

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

[quote=aznseal]@yesno1: because if you have any hospital experience, you'll know you aren't underrepresented.[/quote]
Thats disappointing in some way. So you are telling me there is a lot of middle eastern doctors? how about females from middle east (my last hope)

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

@yesno1: because if you have any hospital experience, you'll know you aren't underrepresented.

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

@aznseal: how would you know middle eastern are not underpresented if we are grouped with whites?

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

@yesno1: because you're not underrepresented. Once again, medicine isn't about finding the best academic individuals. It's about finding those to serve a community.

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

[quote=aznseal]I'm Chinese. We're not considered URM's because we're not "underrepresented". In fact, we're overrepresented. We're a greater percentage of professional schools relative to our percentage in the population. Yes I know, affirmative action is not fair but medicine isn't a field about being fair. It's a field about serving the community, and people from underprivileged areas are more likely to go back to serve them. Affirmative action should be about income IMO, not race. Affirmative action being about race bring upon the situation where the people who benefit the most are well off minorities who need no help whatsoever.

Anyways, nothing you can do. Just suck it up. Get good grades, do good on your MCAT/DAT/PCAT, get good extracurriculars, and go follow your goals.

Source: medical school student.[/quote]
I do agree that it is unfair, but if some people can gain advantage by pulling that minority crap, why can't I do the same? Even thought I'm attempting to benefit from minority treatment, I do believe its racism against specifc races for the good of one. Black people should get off the drama stage, because there are others in line, with better stories.

@mechibi: your teacher is little bit crazy. Yes r@pe occur in these situations, but few colonists cannot change gene pool that fast. Plus, even if it was true, my region was never colonized by any foreign country. We are nowhere near white. If it were up to me, I'd classify middle easterns and Indians as one race. Obviously there is difference between the two cultures, but not as big as middle eastern vs white.

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

"It is like grouping Indians and eastern Asians in one group and calling them Asians."

D-do people not do this?

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

my 8th grade global teacher told us this:
ok so you know how britain ruled india for a long time (before it got separated into Bangladesh and pakistan)
and when a country rules over another country they tend to r@p3 the women. the Philippines is also another example of this which is why they look hispanic/asian, well some
and he said if you look at the bones of indians they are similar to white ppl soooo

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

Maybe cuz Jesus is Middle Eastern

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

I'm Chinese. We're not considered URM's because we're not "underrepresented". In fact, we're overrepresented. We're a greater percentage of professional schools relative to our percentage in the population. Yes I know, affirmative action is not fair but medicine isn't a field about being fair. It's a field about serving the community, and people from underprivileged areas are more likely to go back to serve them. Affirmative action should be about income IMO, not race. Affirmative action being about race bring upon the situation where the people who benefit the most are well off minorities who need no help whatsoever.

Anyways, nothing you can do. Just suck it up. Get good grades, do good on your MCAT/DAT/PCAT, get good extracurriculars, and go follow your goals.

Source: medical school student.

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited

They are not white

Reply April 25, 2014 - edited