

Things that you do to keep studying

For those of you in college and maybe even high school as well, finals are coming up. For those that already finished their finals, congrats and enjoy your summer! Anyways, what i do to keep focus when i study is to take my pre-workout (craze) and it gives me awesome focus.

What things do you guys do to keep focus in studying? If you take a break, what do you do during your break?

GL HF to all of you on your finals

May 9, 2013

23 Comments • Newest first


#adderall Works like a charm

Reply May 13, 2013

[quote=finkle]I do something else until I feel like studying again, which is a terrible method because I didn't feel like studying for all of finals week and pretty much didn't. I still did well in the classes that matter most, but owww my gpa. [/quote]

well i heard its good to take a 5-10 minute break after an hour or so of studying.

Reply May 13, 2013

@nosonofronz my god... teach me master!

@natalie i cant listen to music really either. unless im doing something that doesnt require me to work my brain really

Reply May 10, 2013

1) take nap... well, more like sleep for a few hours so that when i do study i'm not tired at all and i remember better
2) turn off music/anything distracting (i know that music actually helps certain people but it doesn't for me)
3) read over notes/the text, use highlighters, and doodle on the notes

one time when i was studying for a biology test back in high school i started drawing small pictures all over my notes and it helped me remember the material a lot better. i started scoring perfect on every quiz because all i had to do was think about the doodles that i drew associated with the text. i also wrote tiny notes around the notes that i already had, like if there was somebody that reminded me of a topic that i was studying i would add their name on there or something like that. it made studying a lot more fun for me because at least it didn't feel like i was just sitting there reciting the book

Reply May 9, 2013

I'm self motivated enough where I can just sit down and study and stop when I feel my studying has been sufficient.
Then I sit back down and study some more.

Reply May 9, 2013

Creepypasta to stay up all night..

Reply May 9, 2013

< What things do you guys do to keep focus in studying?

I take Ritalin

<If you take a break, what do you do during your break?

Depends. Usually nap, sexy time with the lady, or watch hulu/netflix

Reply May 9, 2013

Usually I'm self-motivated enough, I also study with a friend so when I get fed up I can chat to them for 10 or so minutes and then get back to it.

Reply May 9, 2013

nice ign lol

Reply May 9, 2013

i open some classical music on pandora (mozart station), turn off all the lights except the desk lamp, and scan through my notes, googling whatever i don't completely understand. classical because music with vocals distracts me.

Reply May 9, 2013

[quote=PorkSquad]You take crazed before you do hw, do you end up through the roof by the time your done studying?[/quote]

LOL nah. Right now my tolerance for craze is at about 1 2/3 to 1 3/4 scoop when i workout and i use about 3/4 to 1 scoop when i study so its not like im all jittery and bouncing off the walls. So i basically just lower the dosage when i study and it just gives me a real good amount of focus and concentration. Even in the FAQ's on the craze website people ask if they can use it for studying lol. I suggest you try it out for yourself if you got some craze.

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited


Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

I sit on my desk and eat while listening to music :B It always seems to motivate me to study.

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

I usually leave my phone behind, or turn it off. I ditch my laptop and carry around books I need to study from.. then I go to the nearest library and just study.

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

I almost never study. A tip for you though, never drink coffee right before an exam. That thing will get you all jittery. Usually it's very unnoticeable but in a testing environment where you sit in a chair for hours and everything is quiet it hits like a truck. Shouldn't have had all that coffee right before my AP Calc exam

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

I usually study on my couch while watching cnn lmao

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

ask your mom to lock yourself in a small 8x8 room with nothing but your papers that you need to study.

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

Have never studied for anything in my life.

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

[quote=vulthoryul]-eat beforehand
-take a deep breathe
-review over basic concepts, and apply them
-give up, and [/quote]

LOL this just might be the answer

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

i picture myself fat and lonely without a hot ass husband because i didn't get my education

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

I spread it out over the entirety of the quarter. For the most part, I don't end up with a lot to study when exams roll around, since I'm rather comfortable with the material already.

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

-eat beforehand
-take a deep breathe
-review over basic concepts, and apply them
-give up, and

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited

I go to a study area away from my computer. My apartment has a lounge with free food since I live in a college town and all.
I eat food during my breaks.

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited