General Tech

Limited access Internet I'm having some trouble with my Internet. It wasn't working and so I unplugged the router, but after doing so, my ssid changed and also the security thing. So now I'm having limited access. This has happened once or twice in the past and I was able to get around it by going on a website (192.168.21) something like that, change my settings and everything was all good. But now, I can't even access that website because of no Internet. Keep in mind I was able to do so without Internet in the past. What do I do? I've reset my router a bunch of times..


What to cube? I have 60k for miracle time and I wanna know what I should cube. I have a 3l unique faf wep (hoping for legendary), tyrant 3l rare cape (hoping unique), faf pants 3l rare (hoping unique), golden maple emblem 3l epic (hoping unique/legend), and a empress glove 3l unique (hoping decent si). I want 3l legend wep first, but what to do next? I can possibly delay my emblem b/c I can buy 9 cubes from hot time when i get enuf coins. Some other items I was thinking was my reinforced ring/earring but they are 3l clean right now. Thanks.

General Chat

Losing weight I'm 16 years old weighing around 150 lbs couple days ago at 5"8. I have very high metabolism so I don't even look fat but all that food I eat is going to my stomach (kinda obvious but my arms and legs are skinny). 2 days ago I started to just eat 2 meals a day ; breakfast and dinner. I usually have a big omelette with 2 pieces of hashbrowns or whole grain bagel w/ butter which keeps me full until around 7 which is when I go eat dinner. I checked this morning and I was at 147 lbs. Is this a good way to lose weight? Eating a hefty breakfast and dinner only? This is only for march break, as soon as school starts again, I'll have to eat snacks after school because I have gym last period and it leaves me reallly hungry. My eat

General Chat

Will shaving my beard make it grow proper? So I'm 16 years old and my little beard is growing around my chin. Right now its soft and really short, some are longer. I want to grow a beard.. Anyway, today my friend told me that I should shave my beard, I was like "I want to grow a beard, and its short, why would I shave it?" and he was like "it makes it grow proper after you shave it for the first time" is this true? I only have hair on my chin (barely noticable too) and my side burns are growing longer (almost reaching my jaw) Should I shave it to make it grow better?

General Bishop

How much range do I need I want to make a bishop for the RED update, maybe get it to 90-100 then play it when its here. I want to be an attacking bishop - one that can be totally independent whether its training or bossing. I want you bishops to post your range and how much damage you can do because I want to fund this - I will probably invest 15b, maybe 20b if im lucky. I might also aim for 500k+ per angel ray per line at say.. maybe 150? (too low or too high?) and what set should i get?

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