

General Chat

Love help I met a guy late Feb online through a friend and we got along pretty well. The three of us would often Skype and play LoL together and during some point in one of our conversations, I started to like him. Then I found out that my friend who introduced me to him also liked him. The thing is, it turns out that he is in fact gay (good thing for me, bad thing for her) and that he has a 5~6 year long crush on his mate. His crush (who doesn't like him back) was, at the time, ignoring him and he was really depressed for a week. They eventually started talking to each other and everything was good until now. We've basically been talking to each other for every night since we first started and I really enjoy it but I can't understand why h

General Chat

Is it weird that I cried? I recently watched the House Bunny and Shelley, da bunny, was told by Hugh Hefner to come back to da mansion so they could play with each other. She, however, rejected that offer saying she belongs with her girls. However, the girls turned against Shelley, da bunny, for making them turn into mindless bimbos and I started teary. Then she called up Hugh Hefner saying she was just joking about not wanting to come back to the mansion and she was trying not to cry and I started crying. And Emma Stone was sad as well. And Anna Faris, da bunny (aka Shelley), was also sad. :( :( Btw, Anna Faris and Emma Stone are great. And hot. You should watch Smiley Face cos Anna's in it. Yum.

General Chat

Why are some girls so sensitive? Today I was in class and my friend was being a little unusual. We had to do something but I won't go into detail. I took her book for some paper and she's like "YOU DON'T NEED PAPER" and proceeds to snatch the book back but I threw it on the floor before she could do so. She takes my glasses which were on the table and said "Apologise for being mean." I didn't. She repeated herself a few times as I tried to get my glasses back. Then the teacher told the class that we should be doing our work. She gave them back to me because the teacher was staring at her. I asked her "What's your problem? You on your period or something?" Then she got mad. Angry mad. Like HULK mad. She said &qu

General Chat

How do I stop talking like a girl Guys, this is serious. I've noticed it a little bit in the past few years through videos but now, my friends keep saying I always talk like a girl. My voice is deep and stuff but... idk. They keep saying I talk like a girl. It's probably because I'm always with girls, ie. most of my cousins are girls, most of my friends are girls and I'm a lot closer to girls. I find it hard to socialise with most guys my age. Every time I move schools (about 4 times so far) I always end up becoming close friends with a group of 2-4 girls and only about 1-2 guy friends. AND MOSTLY GIRLS LIKE MY STATUS/PHOTOS ON FB... And how do I stop talking so femininely? ...

General Chat

How do I stop talking like a girl Guys, this is serious. I've noticed it a little bit in the past few years through videos but now, my friends keep saying I always talk like a girl. My voice is deep and stuff but... idk. They keep saying I talk like a girl. It's probably because I'm always with girls, ie. most of my cousins are girls, most of my friends are girls and I'm a lot closer to girls. I find it hard to socialise with most guys my age. Every time I move schools (about 4 times so far) I always end up becoming close friends with a group of 2-4 girls and only about 1-2 guy friends. AND MOSTLY GIRLS LIKE MY STATUS/PHOTOS ON FB... And how do I stop talking so femininely? ...


Pap and the Clock Monster There was once a man who lived in Ludibrium. He loved the way the block heads moved around. He made sure the Clock Monster stayed within the deepest part of the giant clock tower. He made sure no one ever touched it. He made sure it [b]never[/b] left the current time. He made sure to lock it up and never let it see anything ever again. The truth was he loved this Clock Monster. He lived with it, actually. He loved it dearly. It was his dearest friend. In the end, they went mad and the Clock Monster ate him. Pap + Clock Monster = the one we know today, Papulatus.

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