

Have you ever gone home so depressed after a party?

So basically I was at a party this weekend with a bunch of friends, it was such an amazing time, we slept over and woke up today doing more things and we all finally headed home. Now that I'm home, I'm so depressed and just down. There's no one to talk to and I can't even get it off my chest. It isn't a matter of getting it off my chest, it's a matter of fixing the things I've done. I feel so guilty for something, and all these things are stacking up. Idk if it's mere coincidence, or its actually the party having an effect on me.

September 20, 2015

13 Comments • Newest first


Hmm yeah
Sometimes I feel bad about going out and having fun. Not sure why.
Home is my comfort zone or something.

Reply September 22, 2015

Wait, are you depressed because you're having party withdrawal or you're depressed over something that happened at the party?

If you're talking about the former, then make partying a regular thing so that you constantly have something (a social event involving copious amounts of alcohol) to look forward to. Why do you think God invented Friday and Saturday nights bro.

Reply September 22, 2015

Dont people from burning man make little post-burning man communities for these reasons?

Reply September 21, 2015

I feel like that after vacations because I had such a good time with friends that I didn't want it to end. And then after I get home I'm by myself so I feel down and the wanderlust hits. It gets better after a few days once I get back into the routine of work and everyday life.

Reply September 21, 2015

Unless I'm tipsy at parties, I like to keep to myself or with a friend who also also wants to be [i]there[/i] without actually being a part of the party.

Reply September 21, 2015

It's just because the party and after party was probably much more fun than your daily life, which you now have to return to. Unless you're talking about something like getting a girl prego, which would make a more serious situation.

Reply September 21, 2015

are you having a comedown?
comedowns usually get you in a super depressed mood

Reply September 21, 2015

It's like having post-con depression, man. It's normal. It's like. WHOA. The fun's over. Aw man.

Reply September 21, 2015

Have you met Molly?

Reply September 21, 2015

You probably wasted all your dopamine on the party having a blast.

Reply September 20, 2015

u need jesus son

Reply September 20, 2015

i feel this way whenever i come home from a trip. cruises are the worst cause we always go with cousins and we eat and do whatever we want then all of that gets taken away. the only time i ever get to eat mashed potatoes and bacon as an asian person is when white people make it for me so i always treasure the eating part the most

Reply September 20, 2015

Nah, I feel depressed during the party and am in a m a d mood when I leave cos I hate parties.

Reply September 20, 2015