

On nights you cant fall asleep, what do you do?

It's been.. 4 months? Since I've had trouble falling asleep usually I just close my eyes and it happens but it's not working how do you guys deal with nights like this?

March 20, 2015

12 Comments • Newest first


go to your family doctor and get a medical marijuana card if your eligable in the state you live. as an avid pot smoker, i can say pot helps with going to sleep.

if your too scared though, just go camping and look at the night sky. that calming effect will lull you to sleep

Reply March 21, 2015

jack off , it knocks me out cold

Reply March 21, 2015

read the bible and youll goto sleep real quick

Reply March 20, 2015

[quote=Luapxal344]i start dreaming about suzy. but then i realize that gilrs like her don't exist and i get mad and sad. then i cry myself to sleep[/quote]

[i]is she real, or is she just a fantasy...[/i]

Reply March 20, 2015

i attempt to read, do hw, play video games, or watch tv. when drowsiness kicks in, i immediately stop what im doing and go to sleep.

Reply March 20, 2015

I attempt to lucid dream or wait for my body to fall asleep and panic at the sensation.

Was close to doing this twice recently, and my body jusy becomes static from toes to hear.

This is the reason why I added panic On first sentence.

Reply March 20, 2015

[quote=KoreanTemplar]I usually just listen to kballads. <3[/quote]

i start dreaming about suzy. but then i realize that gilrs like her don't exist and i get mad and sad. then i cry myself to sleep

Reply March 20, 2015

I have bad anxiety/panic attacks some days and I literally can't fall asleep T__T. I'm physically and mentally exhausted, but my body is just like "no sleep f u". I usually watch netflix on these nights or llisten to kballads until I pass out. I hate sleepless nights and I'll probably have one again today

Reply March 20, 2015

Loool something I started doing now is putting on instrumental and free style beats and start rhyming, believe me I suck but it's fun

Reply March 20, 2015

watch streams on twitch

Reply March 20, 2015

[quote=spireweb]if I know im not gonna fall asleep that night I just get up and start my day then walk into class as a zombie[/quote]

this is a man that does not admit defeat to his own body

Reply March 20, 2015

if I know im not gonna fall asleep that night I just get up and start my day then walk into class as a zombie

Reply March 20, 2015