

Do you believe everyone has a purpose in life?

Ever wondered why you were brought into this world, why you were given life?

Do we all have a underlying destiny that we must fullfil with our lives? Or is life just a random event and nothing else?

June 2, 2015

23 Comments • Newest first


[quote=ZombieOverlord]My purpose in life is to watch Game of Thrones.[/quote]

I'm with you on that one bruh.

Reply June 4, 2015

I don't really believe in destiny or fate.

Reply June 4, 2015

Life is what/how you make of it. Even if you disagree, the fact that you disagree is how you make of it.

We feel lonely because we do fun things but we can't do them with someone who would make it feel like worthwhile and everlasting memories. Video games or watching movies may be fun. But playing by yourself, spending hours on something that only yourself will enjoy at that moment, feels meaningless in the end. At least that's how I see it.

Reply June 3, 2015 - edited

Eh, whether or not there's a purpose I don't know and I don't care to think about it. I think 'destiny' is nonsense though, it sounds like you've got no control over the outcome of your life and I personally don't like that sort of ring to it.

It's on the individual to find THEIR purpose (or differently put, what fulfills them). At the same time every human has a purpose in my life.
For example every bumhole in your life has a purpose - they teach you and help you grow. Without them you'd miss out on a lot of learning. What the individual purposes of those bumholes are, however, is none of my business. That's again on them to decide.

Reply June 3, 2015 - edited

[quote=Sezbeth]Assuming that everyone has some sort of predetermined purpose in life is rather disingenuous to those who live out their lives doing literally nothing but barely surviving and eventually expiring. As noble as the theistic idea of a predetermined purpose seems to be, the way it ignores those who merely cycle through the bare basic life cycle of an organism with little to no functioning social constructs to experience is abhorrent and ultimately, inexcusably, egocentric.

What makes that sort of train of thought even worse is how those who often apply it will attempt to reason the existence of those horribly unfortunate into some grandiose, superficial justification (i.e. the "mysterious ways" reasoning).[/quote]
I mean... what if someone's purpose in life is to do nothing and be lazy? Who are we to say that a "purpose in life" needs to be some grand noble goal.

On topic: Whether or not it's true that we have a purpose in life is an unanswerable question. The question I'd be more interested in is, should we carry ourselves as if we do have a purpose? And I would say no, we shouldn't. Saying that there's a purpose in life locks your mindset down. It means seeing one goal rather than different possibilities.

Take someone like Bill Gates. At one point, his "purpose in life" would have been to make the best software company in the world. Now, one might say that his "purpose" is to spread charity and philanthropy instead. Who's to say that his "purpose" won't change again. I'd say it's better not to let determinism dominate your way of thinking.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

life is random.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

I want to live to spread happiness to others. There was a time when I was on the verge of considering suicide, but after I got over that through a long and painful process, I felt like I wouldn't want others to go through that as well. Thus, I want to impact others through my talents that were given to me -- breakdancing, popping, cello beatboxing, and electric guitar -- and make ppl smile

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

When I'm around children, they give me a reason to live.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

Think it's pretty silly to think there's just one purpose for a person to strive for. That being said, I do think that each person has a potential to lead a very impactful life that positively contributes to the lives of others and that's what we should all strive for.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

[quote=ZombieOverlord]My purpose in life is to watch Game of Thrones.[/quote]

That latest ep tho omgah..

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

@BreakerZ: Because no one "simply becomes a brain surgeon" they choose what they want when they're studying it if it turns out they like it or they want to keep doing it, they do and they work to become a brain surgeon. They could have been that or anything else they wanted to, it wasn't their destiny, it would have been the same if maybe he decided to major in something else. There is no destiny or fate, there is only where the accumulation of your choices lead you to end up, call it what you like. Whats the point of doing anything if we were all destined for a set point no matter what. And so what [i]if[/i] we change someones life for the better? What are they going to do now? continue living an average life? Get a job at a department store? Marry, have a family, like everyone else. That's not special, is that the purpose? to procreate? you're not the first person to do that, you definitely won't be the last. But as a religious person maybe you get this question a lot: if God really did exist why didn't he just make everything "good?" no wars, famine, etc. It's not because so we have freedom of choice, because then according you everything is destined anyways, so what's the point. and if you told me God loved me I would say "ok" and continue on with my life no differently.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited


What if I told you God actually loves you? The philosophy of "Deism" the belief that God exists but is not involved with our world is interesting indeed but that means it discredits the definition of "God" held by most theists. Anyhow, yeah it's true we're all guilty, in the western world, of contributing to many of the issues the world faces like famine, poverty, slavery, and etc but that doesn't mean we can't change the future. The past cannot be erased but we can help create a future, is defiantly a quote to live by and probably is related the topic of purpose in life. Also, I don't think that's true that people in poverty purpose is just "to give us something to help". What if the change in their lives for their better help them find their own purpose whether it may be it. Lastly, how are some people good so good at what they do? For example, can anyone simply become a brain surgeon? Maybe they were just destined to do so.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

@BreakerZ: Like you said, the size of this universe is incalculable; I think the chances of their [i]not[/i] being another intelligent life form out there is close to impossible. That and I don't believe in a god. And if a god did exist let's face it, he sure as hell doesn't give a sht about you or me. And with the helping people in poverty and famine and stuff, yeah it's nice to give to charity, volunteer, makes you feel better inside, but when you look at the working classes in factory/production countries you realize it's us that cause it. So whats the point, you buy your merchandise from the same class of people you try to help. Whether people were born rich or born poor, that was just your luck. So what the people who live in harsh conditions, is their only purpose to give us something to help? And I think what you really mean by purpose isn't like your divine calling or purpose, I think its just more like you found something you love to do. That's it, it wasn't fate, it wasn't made for you, it was there and you found it by chance or opportunity and you happened to like it.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

[quote=ZombieOverlord]My purpose in life is to watch Game of Thrones.[/quote]

my purpose isn't to stop the wheel, it's to break the wheel.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

My purpose in life is to watch Game of Thrones.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

Assuming that everyone has some sort of predetermined purpose in life is rather disingenuous to those who live out their lives doing literally nothing but barely surviving and eventually expiring. As noble as the theistic idea of a predetermined purpose seems to be, the way it ignores those who merely cycle through the bare basic life cycle of an organism with little to no functioning social constructs to experience is abhorrent and ultimately, inexcusably, egocentric.

What makes that sort of train of thought even worse is how those who often apply it will attempt to reason the existence of those horribly unfortunate into some grandiose, superficial justification (i.e. the "mysterious ways" reasoning).

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

[quote=lostreality]no I dont think the average person is special or unique. There are 7 billion people here and we're just one of them[/quote]

What if I told you we are the only form of life that exists in this seemingly infinite size universe? That means we're pretty special and unique.

It leads to my answer, in my opinion, that everyone is born with a purpose in life. This means there is indeed a mysterious forces that dictates the order of the world (God). Now, some people will argue that someone people have no purposes in their lives, such as babies who die prematurely, people living in harsh famine conditions, or etc. Well what if maybe some our purposes is supposed to help the people in harsh famine conditions or is something to be learned from a lost of loved to be further achieve our ultimate purpose. The point is no one knows their purpose in life, but once you discover it you'll know it.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

I believe everyone is alive for a reason, and that you cross paths with people for a reason.
Mmm.. but I don't think that people walk a strict path "destiny", or that life is a "random event".
Yahs. Iunnoooooo~ But I do think that we're all of importance in our own ways.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

nope. the world aint rainbows and dreams. you are one out of 7 bill

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

lool no you wish

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

no I dont think the average person is special or unique. There are 7 billion people here and we're just one of them

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

nope, i just know that i was brought into this world because my mommy and daddy fornicated

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited

no. People ought to find a purpose or can create a purpose but I don't think there is any predetermined destiny for any one of us.

Reply June 2, 2015 - edited