

How to destroy ant hills for good?

I hate ants with a deep, burning passion. We have a bunch of ant holes on our driveway. Give me your best ways to torture them (and eventually kill them)

August 25, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Spiritual2]Why would you torture them? Because they annoy you? They just work and work and die. They're part of our universe and has its place in this world. Sigh hardworking ants about to be destroyed by selfish human.[/quote]

Their ant tunnels under our driveway will cause our driveway to collapse or become uneven. Are the ants going to pay the bills to fix this? No. The ants are being selfish; they build their nests close to our home to leech off of us. They try to get into our home because we have a supply of food and it is convenient for them. Yet ants can live perfectly fine away from humans and eat dead bugs and such. I'm just teaching the ants a lesson to never come near our house again.

Reply August 26, 2014

[quote=Spiritual2]Why would you torture them? Because they annoy you? They just work and work and die. They're part of our universe and has its place in this world. Sigh hardworking ants about to be destroyed by selfish human.[/quote]

the second they attempt to invade my house, you better believe i'm going to stomp them to death.

Reply August 25, 2014

Do that ^[/quote]

I heard cornmeal works. Supposedly it constipates them, causing them to starve to death.

pros: cheap
cons: kills them slowly

Ant Poison killer stuff
pros: kills them faster than cornmeal
cons: more expensive than cornmeal

Reply August 25, 2014
Do that ^

Reply August 25, 2014

Do what the nazis did, commit genocide on the ant nation.

Reply August 25, 2014 - edited

you could drown them with a hose. or gas them.

Reply August 25, 2014 - edited

Punch them.

Reply August 25, 2014 - edited

I remember @Aznseal saying that insects don't feel pain
Like he posted a video of a squid being knifed and eaten alive
Throw cucumber slices at them

Reply August 25, 2014 - edited

Dish soap and other substances similar to it kill ants by drying them up.

Reply August 25, 2014 - edited

How do you torture them? I know they have brains (I think) but it's not like it's something you'd enjoy.
Can't you just buy the poison?

Reply August 25, 2014 - edited

pour bleach

Reply August 25, 2014 - edited