
Dawn Warrior vs Kaiser

Hello everybody! Now first off, I would like to spare Wall the time and put his response in my original post. "Play what you like"-Wall. Now with that aside I will continue with my post. I have been maining a kaiser for quite some time. I find their play style and their skills to be fun, but recently I have been looking at dawn warriors, and they seem to be equally if not slightly more fun than my kaiser is. I have a few questions about the differences between the two classes.
-In terms of funding: Which one is more difficult to fund. By this I mean which class would I be getting a higher damage output with figuring around 30-40bil of funding.
-In terms of late game potential: I know that both Kaisers and Dawn Warriors are extremely viable late game due to their large amounts of hps, but which one is actually better taking into account any nerfs/buffs from kms?
-In terms of fun: Now this is more of a matter of opinion, but which do you personally believe to be more fun?
-In terms of emblems: Which is more expensive to buy, a Godly Dragon Emblem or a Godly Cygnus Knight Emblem (forgot what is was called xD). I am wondering this due to the emblem being a large difficulty to transfer if I do choose to switch.
The problem I have is that if I wanted to switch over my gear from my kaiser to my dawn warrior, it would cost a hefty sum of nx, due to almost all my gear being untradable atm.
And finally on a somewhat related note, would anyone have any idea on the price of a Legendary Dragon Emblem:21%atk 9%total damage with a legendary bonus potential with 3 bad lines? This would be the emblem that I would sell in order to get the cygnus knight emblem, so that is why its related.
Thank you all for any help that is given! I sincerely appreciate it!

September 23, 2015

12 Comments • Newest first


[quote=nitsua2789]Are Dawn Warriors really so much worse than Kaisers even with the 60m dmg cap buff? I know the nerf in the future is kind of rough but they do also gain 10% dmg in Moon mode and 15% boss, which obviously won't completely compensate but it's a hell of a lot more than NW's got.

Note: I'm comparing them without Ryude's sword, I know that a Kaiser with Ryudes would be better.[/quote]

In terms of bossing, the speed is a huge difference I would think. Along with the tornados and summons... Playstyles are different so it's up to OP anyways

Reply September 25, 2015

Are Dawn Warriors really so much worse than Kaisers even with the 60m dmg cap buff? I know the nerf in the future is kind of rough but they do also gain 10% dmg in Moon mode and 15% boss, which obviously won't completely compensate but it's a hell of a lot more than NW's got.

Note: I'm comparing them without Ryude's sword, I know that a Kaiser with Ryudes would be better.

Reply September 23, 2015

[quote=lecarde]@straatlamp: Does that still hold true after the KMS nerfs? I know that DW are getting a huge nerf by losing their elemental resistance, but they are also getting some buffs to their falling moon and rising sun states, plus their hyper is getting 9 extra lines and its CD is cut in half. Kaiser on the other hand was just plain nerfed with Ryudes sword now only having 70% chance for an extra line.[/quote]

The Hyper was pretty trash to begin with since it's stationary when charging [most people just press it and let it go without charging], If you haven't noticed already, not everyone relies on Ryudes. Sure it's great to have, but not every Kaiser has one. 70% Proc chance is still pretty high, just think of that additional line as "Final Attack"

Reply September 23, 2015

Kaiser and get ryuudeS

Reply September 23, 2015

@straatlamp: Does that still hold true after the KMS nerfs? I know that DW are getting a huge nerf by losing their elemental resistance, but they are also getting some buffs to their falling moon and rising sun states, plus their hyper is getting 9 extra lines and its CD is cut in half. Kaiser on the other hand was just plain nerfed with Ryudes sword now only having 70% chance for an extra line.

Reply September 23, 2015


Off-Topic: Kaiser has tradeable emblem but untradeable secondary. Dawn Warrior has untradeble emblem [boss arena] and a tradeable emblem. Other than that, Kaisers have their mini tornados for additional damage. In a future patch, we will be losing our elemental resistance.

They're both going to be just as expensive in long run imo. But Kaisers are faster and Dawn Warriors have a better mobbing skill. Note if you haven't played either, I'd recommend making both and trying them to 140+ before funding them since you're probably gonna make them for link skills anyways. I'd say their playstyles are pretty different from most other classes.

@Lucainx, it plays a big part for damage at the very least when bossing

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

Is the nerf really that bad? Did dawn warriors really rely on their elemental ignore so much that they are irrelevant without it?

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

DW's near future nerf buries them underground. Heck, forget underground, they are in the center of the earth where it is the lowest point to be regardless of where you are on the earth.
They lose Cygnus passive elemental resistance AND lose their own personal buff that gave elemental resistance.
Just stay Kaiser.
If I wasn't so invested into my NL, I'd probably go Kaiser.

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

DW > Kaiser below 12-14k stat.
Kaiser > DW over 14k stat.

Kaiser > DW when both capping

tldr : DW when normal fund, Kaiser when good fund damagewise.

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

only nova classes emblems are tradable tho

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

"Play what you like" @Wall Circa 2015

but play which ever looks more fun to you

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

don't play the lesser of two loves

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited