

Petition Get the Duration of Blood Drain Increased to 180

After the FLY patch we are left with 4 main active buffs: Maple Warrior, Staff Booster, Battle Master, and Blood Drain
The durations of these skills at max level is 900, 180, 180, 120 in that order. The logical conclusion is to have Staff booster, battle master and blood drain macro'd together.
However [b]there is no reason for the blood drain's duration to be this short.[/b] It's just an annoyance having to recast it every 2 minutes, and there's no other reason to have the duration as short as it is other than to be an annoyance.

Given that blood drain has no cooldown, we effectively have it on all the time, so it doesn't really matter how long it goes for other than for consistent and convenient buff timings.
For convenience's sake, increase the duration to 180 seconds to match the other 2 buffs.

September 28, 2013

34 Comments • Newest first


[quote=marilanna]Wow, way to necropost. In any event, I think I can more effectively and less offensively sum up the general consensus:
Yes, synced buff durations would be great. But you know what else would be great? Not wasting Nexon's precious time and attention span on petty things that are mere minor annoyances; they're clearly understaffed already, and the time they could spend considering your idea would be more effectively used responding to tickets and actually dealing with the "known issues."[/quote]

Thanks for summing up what I was trying to say.

And here I was, being called irrational. /pif

Reply November 20, 2013

Wow, way to necropost. In any event, I think I can more effectively and less offensively sum up the general consensus:
Yes, synced buff durations would be great. But you know what else would be great? Not wasting Nexon's precious time and attention span on petty things that are mere minor annoyances; they're clearly understaffed already, and the time they could spend considering your idea would be more effectively used responding to tickets and actually dealing with the "known issues."

Reply November 13, 2013

[quote=Mystelteinn]If you actually take 2 seconds to read my messages carefully, I never opposed his ideas. I just mentioned that there are other, more important things that Nexon could attend to first and that buff duration is a minor issue.[/quote]
Your previous posts didn't read like this is what you meant...
And yeah I get that this is a minor issue, my point is that seeing as KMS is currently doing the whole 'resistance and hero revamp' thing, this is a timely recommendation.

Reply November 12, 2013 - edited


Tl:read most of it anyways.

If you actually take 2 seconds to read my messages carefully, I never opposed his ideas. I just mentioned that there are other, more important things that Nexon could attend to first and that buff duration is a minor issue. And that they made tons of changes to this game, which IMHO, were not the best, yet I still lived with it, even if I completely dislike those changes and find that they ruined any kind of exploration alongside other side effects, all in the name of ''TIME SAVING'' and convenience.

Exploring is part of a normal game, whether you like it or not. Nexon can ruin it for all I care, I maintain that it's one (ONE!) of the aspects that is bringing their game to it's downfall.

Please, learn to read.

Tlr for my short paragraph : There are more important issues at hand that Nexon should fix before touching buff duration, which imho, should be considered a minor issue. Town lag is one you mentioned, for example.

P.S. : Don't take my message personally, I hold nothing against you. This is a forum where everyone is allowed to voice their opinion. I wasn't having an argument with this guy, just voicing out that I think he's exagerating on a minor issue.

Reply October 11, 2013 - edited

god shush u little diva and deal

Reply October 11, 2013 - edited

@Mystelteinn: Are you screwing with me on that Quick Travel point? Quick Travel is a godsend for people with enormous town lag. What's your major issue with the buff time being slightly increased anyway? Many people will structure skill builds around syncing buff times for macros, this just makes things slightly more convenient. You make reference to things like Dimensional Mirror when discussing this very small change and I don't think you realise how foolish you sound when you do. A slight change in buff duration to sync a buff with the rest of our buffs, prolonging the need to rebuff for another minute is in the category of extremely minor conveniences which don't drastically change the social aspects of the game and don't make things significantly easier, just slightly more convenient. It doesn't compare in any fashion to changes like Dimensional Mirror and the Pantheon portal which drastically alter social aspects of the game and save an actual significant amount of time. You complain about convenience ruining the game but do you sincerely think this small change will be game-altering enough to ruin the game for you the same way things like Dimensional Mirror have? And if you seriously do, you should really take a look at your priorities. The buff duration may not matter to you, but it's pretty annoying to many others, so why oppose it? If it won't matter to you either way and it's an incredibly minor change, why bother arguing against it. It's fine to offer an opinion, and it's fine that you don't think it matters but you haven't provided any real points as to why it [i]shouldn't[/i] be implemented, you've merely danced around the issue calling into the spotlight things that barely relate to the argument at hand. I agree with the OP, I normally hold a great deal of respect for you but you aren't making a very good case here.

Regarding those who say other classes have it worse, yeah sure ok but these are the BaM forums and this is a thread about BaM skill changes. Just because another class has it worse, doesn't make it any less inconvenient for us. If you think your class has it worse, go discuss it in that class's respective forum.

Reply October 11, 2013 - edited

@Mystelteinn: I dunno about you, but I never enjoyed having to take the ships back and forth from ludi to vic island, the pq room isn't just about convenience, it's also a [b]major[/b] time saver, but I can agree with you about the autopilot thing.

The thing is it shouldn't be an issue, leaving it at 120 was either an oversight or left intentionally to make buffing more annoying.

I've always respected you, you've always appeared to be the calm and collected poster unlike many others on this site, but here you're being very irrational.

Reply October 10, 2013 - edited

[quote=mattrimkevx]So @Mystelteinn if it actually happened you'd carry on about how convenience is ruining this game? imagine how stupid you would look then.
And to answer your question the blood drain duration issue is 1 of the last 2 issues (be that major or minor) that I have with the battlemage class after fly (that i can think of), the other being that BCB is blue instead of purpley-black.[/quote]

I don't get your point. Convenience IS ruining this game, I was merely listing a few of the things in the name of this so-called ''convenience''.

And everybody has issues with tons of elements in this game, and in other games. We just learn to live with them.

Reply October 10, 2013 - edited

[quote=mattrimkevx]So @Mystelteinn if it actually happened you'd carry on about how convenience is ruining this game? imagine how stupid you would look then.
And to answer your question the blood drain duration issue is 1 of the last 2 issues (be that major or minor) that I have with the battlemage class after fly (that i can think of), the other being that BCB is blue instead of purpley-black.[/quote]

Yea, because it'd just be supporting his claim. Aren't you reading?

Reply October 6, 2013 - edited

@Mystelteinn i take it u miss the old crimson wood as much as i do. i loved that huge place without a map for noobs to follow. you actually had to explore and remember stuff.... i want more maps like that for higher and for lower levels... do away with quick travel make people use ships again or there is no point in having them and buff the crogs so a warrior with power guard doesnt 1 hit k/o while away from keyboard.... <3

and seriously guys the only time u actually need blood drain any ways is when ur at Warrior grounds/hall of honor(im iffy about this one personally i dont even notice when drain runs out on this map). other than that u will be receiving 1/s from monsters for damage hardly a reason to need a longer time. and nexon already has a solution for those of you who want to complain. its ccalled the auto buff gem for pets....

Honestly half the time i dont even bother buffing other than union aura (in places other than warrior groound/hall of honor/bosses) its really become pointless and monster attacks are rather really easy to dodge so you shouldnt even be getting hit

also to the random evan raging. stop showing off just bc nexon loves your class enough to make it interesting to play and not so easy a cave man can do it

Reply October 6, 2013 - edited

So @Mystelteinn if it actually happened you'd carry on about how convenience is ruining this game? imagine how stupid you would look then.
And to answer your question the blood drain duration issue is 1 of the last 2 issues (be that major or minor) that I have with the battlemage class after fly (that i can think of), the other being that BCB is blue instead of purpley-black.

Reply October 5, 2013 - edited

[quote=mattrimkevx]I get that evans have worse buff timings, but this thread isn't about evans, it's about battle mages.

What I don't get is the anti-support coming from the community, this would literally take 5 minutes to patch: 4 minutes and 59 seconds to locate 'blood drain' in the code, and 1 second to change a '2' to an '8'.

It can't cause any balance issues.

PS. Evan shut up wild hunters have it worse.[/quote]

Free tip: Get a Mechanic Card or a Buff Inner Ability if you want a longer buff. Or play an Explorer Mage for longer buff times.

Also, if Wild Hunters have it worse, be grateful you have it better.

Reply October 5, 2013 - edited

[quote=mattrimkevx]I get that evans have worse buff timings, but this thread isn't about evans, it's about battle mages.

What I don't get is the anti-support coming from the community, this would literally take 5 minutes to patch: 4 minutes and 59 seconds to locate 'blood drain' in the code, and 1 second to change a '2' to an '8'.

It can't cause any balance issues.

PS. Evan shut up wild hunters have it worse.[/quote]

What I don't get is why does this even remotely matters? Are you that bored/annoyed that you have to press a key more often / lose some extra MP because of buff duration issues? Really?

Nexon could make buff duration overlap, for ''convenience''sake. But if there's one argument I hate, it's ''convenience''.

Here's a list of things Nexon did, for convenience's sake, that i personally dislike about this game :
- Quick travel in town
- Dimensional mirror
- dumbing down any kind of map exploring to mostly going left or right (no more huge maps or secret passages)
- Dumbing down quests and prequests.

All done for the sake of convenience....

Reply October 5, 2013 - edited

I get that evans have worse buff timings, but this thread isn't about evans, it's about battle mages.

What I don't get is the anti-support coming from the community, this would literally take 5 minutes to patch: 4 minutes and 59 seconds to locate 'blood drain' in the code, and 1 second to change a '2' to an '8'.

It can't cause any balance issues.

PS. Evan shut up wild hunters have it worse.

Reply October 5, 2013 - edited

[quote=xkillo32]why dont we just make all buffs toggles [/quote]

because some buffs have cooldowns

Reply October 5, 2013 - edited

why dont we just make all buffs toggles

Reply October 1, 2013 - edited

[quote=grawp77]>Use pots
>Get %Buff duration
>pet's auto pot
>Make a different character?
>Pet's auto buff
>Call the whambulance

Really no need to cry for such minor inconvenient[/quote]

Don't forget character cards

Reply October 1, 2013 - edited

[quote=VivaBasura]remember when it used to last 90secs at max level but every guide told you to only put 3 sp on it, now that sucked </3[/quote]

tbh, I still question the logic behind not maxing it in the past, sure, I left mine at an even ratio to match the duration of booster (in the past), but 1% really wasn't enough for higher levels

Reply October 1, 2013 - edited

You insolent worm! I will teach you to feel grateful for what you have instead of complaining about what you don't! Don't you DARE complain about the cast times not synching, causing you to have to cast more often. You've got like, what? 3-4 buffs after the revamp, and you're complaining because only TWO have cast times that sync up? OUT OF FOUR? Let me tell you, Evan has it WAY worse when it comes to this. Let's look at his buffs and their cast times
Magic Guard: 600 seconds
Elemental Reset: 300 seconds
Magic Booster: 300 seconds
Magic Resistance: 150 seconds
Onyx Shroud: 180 seconds
Blessing of the Onyx: 300 seconds (180 pre revamp)
Onyx Will: 240 seconds

That's SEVEN buffs, and that's not including Maple Warrior or cooldown skills. Look, we have 3 skills with 300 second duration (1 full macro) and 1 skill each of 600 seconds, 150 seconds, 180 seconds, and 240 seconds. Worse, each skill takes like half a second to cast, and only ONE is NOT dispellable, which happens to be one of the ones that DOES sync with others. Sure, we get to recast the 150 one along with the 300 ones when its time to recast the 300 ones, and we get to recast both the 300 ones and the 150 one when its time to recast the 600 one, but you'll STILL have to track all 3 of those buff times at once, which means we have to gauge a grand total of FIVE buff times.

Even better, we have to gauge FIVE different cooldown timers, SIX if we have any cooldown reduction buffs (as Hypers aren't affected by them)
Magic Shield: 90 seconds
Recovery Aura: 60 seconds
Hero's Will: 360 seconds
Soul Stone: 360 seconds
Dark Fog: 20 seconds
Summon Onyx Dragon: 90 seconds*
Frenzied Soul: 90 seconds*
Heroic Memories: 120 seconds*

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! On top of EVERYTHING ELSE, we also have to gauge a single debuff!
Phantom Imprint: 15 seconds.

This means that this AMAZING bundle comes with ELEVEN different timers to keep track of! That is, IF you want to minimize the time consumption of the ridiculously time consuming even WHEN minimized process of recasting! Remember, this AMAZING deal won't last long, and once it's gone, you'll have to wait about a month for us to replenish our stock!

Reply October 1, 2013 - edited

remember when it used to last 90secs at max level but every guide told you to only put 3 sp on it, now that sucked </3

Reply October 1, 2013 - edited

[quote=LittleTLK]A more logical petition would ask for blood drain to work off our current max HP, not base HP.
They even lied in an update notes saying they did that, but nope.
Sure would be nice to recover 4K hp a hit rather than 742.[/quote]
we would be so op if it was based off max HP

Reply September 29, 2013 - edited

A more logical petition would ask for blood drain to work off our current max HP, not base HP.
They even lied in an update notes saying they did that, but nope.
Sure would be nice to recover 4K hp a hit rather than 742.

Reply September 29, 2013 - edited

[quote=ConfusedSoul]Which part of that are you talking about?[/quote]
I think he's talking about the auto traveling system

In any case go through the RED patch notes and there are multiple times where nexon changed the duration of skills to match their other skills, reducing the duration of booster down to 180 for heroes to match rage is 1 example.

I understand the pain Aran's have to suffer, if you have a quick look through my characters you'll see my 131 aran, I believe they increased the duration of maha's blessing in kms at some point, but might was left at 120, as if they forgot about it.

My current setup is having stance and MW macro'd together (got no MW books ), booster and conversion together, and blood drain and reapers together.

Given that blood drain has no cooldown, we effectively have it on all the time, so it doesn't really matter how long it goes for other than for consistent [b]and convenient[/b] buff timings.

Reply September 29, 2013 - edited

Anyone want to sign my petition to end petitions on basil? They do nothing, just like mine will.

Reply September 29, 2013 - edited

[quote=AckarRed]It gets even more retarded when Nexon adds [url=]this[/url] to the game.[/quote]

Which part of that are you talking about?

Reply September 29, 2013 - edited

[quote=Mystelteinn]Seriously, just macro it with something else and recast it whenever. Problem solved.

Do we really need Nexon to dumb down the game even more, for convenience's sake, really? It's with this kind of thinking that we're stuck with quick travel in town. Really? People couldn't take 5 seconds to walk around town?

My two cents.[/quote]

It gets even more retarded when Nexon adds [url=]this[/url] to the game.

Reply September 28, 2013 - edited

[quote=Mystelteinn]Seriously, just macro it with something else and recast it whenever. Problem solved.

Do we really need Nexon to dumb down the game even more, for convenience's sake, really? It's with this kind of thinking that we're stuck with quick travel in town. Really? People couldn't take 5 seconds to walk around town?

My two cents.[/quote]

Agreed but i do enjoy the quick move because you can transport to the 6 path tree and then go to patheon fast

Reply September 28, 2013 - edited

Seriously, just macro it with something else and recast it whenever. Problem solved.

Do we really need Nexon to dumb down the game even more, for convenience's sake, really? It's with this kind of thinking that we're stuck with quick travel in town. Really? People couldn't take 5 seconds to walk around town?

My two cents.

Reply September 28, 2013 - edited

[quote=mattrimkevx]For consistency's sake, increase the duration to 180 seconds to match the other 2 buffs.[/quote]


Reply September 28, 2013 - edited

120 seconds is more than enough time.

Reply September 28, 2013 - edited

Try being an aran.

Reply September 28, 2013 - edited

>Use pots
>Get %Buff duration
>pet's auto pot
>Make a different character?
>Pet's auto buff
>Call the whambulance

Really no need to cry for such minor inconvenient

Reply September 28, 2013 - edited

You said 'were', indicating the durations were changed?

Reply September 28, 2013 - edited

It's just a minor inconvenience, like Meso Guard and Power Guard were. God that was horrible.

Reply September 28, 2013 - edited