

Why aren't you having kids?

Literally the most selfish thing you can do is skipping parenthood. Just think, if your parents thought like you, you wouldn't even be alive to play your video games and watch your anime. And now you millennials return the favour by wasting away your life on material pleasures instead of fulfilling nature's edict by continuing your genetic line. It's time to grow up kids, put away those childish things, find a mate and create a family.

May 18, 2016

32 Comments • Newest first


You're absolutely right! Already I have my sister, cousins, exgfs, ex's sister, best friend, me, and my grandma! Clearly I don't have enough mouths to feed I need to make me babies!...

Seriously though Mr. Satan... Oooh I get it. Trying to create poverty I see! Well nuh uh, not gonna get me! There's only ONE Satan in my life!

*Kneels over to a cutout of a tall green haired man* Satan-sama~, I only serve you!

Actual joking aside, why should you care if someone isn't interested in getting a child? That's their choice, not yours.

Reply May 21, 2016 - edited

@fun2killu: trying to start a cheesy internet dissing contest isn't really something smart people do

Reply May 20, 2016 - edited

@oocieloo: how on earth are you still a mod?

Reply May 20, 2016 - edited

Quasar isn't having kids because raising a healthy child cost a lot of money. If Quasar has child now, family would be poor quickly and end up slowly staving to death without home which is bad for whole family.

Reply May 20, 2016 - edited

@sirkibble: we need all the help we can get, and clearly you ain't it

Reply May 19, 2016 - edited

@fradddd: killing myself doesn't solve anything, in fact it would hinder our growth. If people like myself don't educate the public, who will?

Reply May 19, 2016 - edited

@fun2killu if we're so overpopulated why don't you kill urself

Reply May 19, 2016 - edited

you're mistaken good friend
having a child is the most selfish thing you can do
we cannot sustain the amount of life we have right now. We are far too overpopulated.
Our planet can only sustain a pop. of roughly 4b people.
I will even argue to say that plagues are the best things to happen to man. They will generally take out 1/3 of the population. It's mothers nature way of controlling our species.

Reply May 19, 2016 - edited

@fradddd: Yes actually, there are many factors in it to consider, like if you are even good at raising children, what genes your hypothetical child would have, the cost, the effort, just many things, some just flat out don't want to.

The average animal just relies on it's instincts with pretty much everything, this would include reproduction too, they don't consider these factors, or even know what a factor even is, but humans differ, for example, we can ignore instincts for a better choice.

Reply May 19, 2016 - edited

@keyan22 but should it be a difficult choice?

Reply May 19, 2016 - edited

Kids are nice to have! I love seeing kids smile at their parents that I want to have a kid too!

Reply May 19, 2016 - edited

@keyan22: Although, from teaching college students for a while you'd have a hard time telling the difference.

I'm kidding of course; I entirely agree with you.

Reply May 19, 2016 - edited

@fradddd: Humans are more complex than a dog which humps whatever it finds, we can actually think out difficult choices.

Reply May 19, 2016 - edited

I think it's fine that some people don't want kids. I just hate when they shove it in my face and say stuff like, "I hate kids, I'm never having them, why would anyone be stupid enough to have kids, they suck, I'd rather have freedom and fun." 90% of those people probably have crappy parents and crappy childhoods or something, so that's the only type of parents and childhood they can picture. I don't know why they can't believe the parents who say "once you have kids you'll understand", because that's probably true. There might be nothing more satisfactory than raising GOOD kids.

Otherwise, I think there might be something wrong with their brains, since animals are supposed to have a desire to reproduce, aren't they?

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

I think it is more selfish if you enter parenthood and stuff like your finances are unstable.

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

when i move out of the usa

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

"Literally the most selfish thing you can do is skipping parenthood" hahahahahahaha u got it backwards. the most selfish thing u can do is being a parent. i don't wanna have to deal with ur annoying kids when i'm out eating or w/e. also overpopulation isn't a generous thing to give to the world rofl. that wouldn't be a problem though if we could just stop giving africa resources and let it die off

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

@thiefy996: it would be another shadower

OT due to me being a lazy useless piece of sh~t that just graduated

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

Every day, people are killed, sexually assaulted, manipulated, bullied, overdosing, gaining addictions to harmful substances, becoming homeless, dying of starvation, being driven to suicide, dying in war, going through painful mental and physical illnesses, and more.

You're right. It's very selfish to not bring children into this wonderful world.

(I know, there are good things in the world. And many live happy lives. Just playing devil's advocate here.)

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

"Literally the most selfish thing to do"
Well ukkk son, you ever considered that having children when you are incapable of taking care of them is pree selfish too.
Are you inbred per chance.

EDIT: I cant tell if you're b8ing but if you are, 8/8 gr8 b8.

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

It's probably a bit too soon for a majority of the people here.

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

but finding a mate requires me to go outside

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

Nothing is more truthful than saying some people should not breed, and I am one myself.

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

Me and @zigen agreed to have a bunch of puppies instead. Babies are ugly, puppies are cute.

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

We need less people, not more, I'm not exactly sure if I will or not though.

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

some girls at my school have more than one child. so i take it as them having one on my behalf

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

If I had children, I'd probably forget to feed them. Kinda like that time someone got me a pet Betta fish...

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

Having children involves being in a relationship and having heterosexual intercourse, and I'll have none of either of those. Get off your high horse and grow up, people are allowed to make their own decisions.

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

if my parents didnt have me i wouldnt be here to complain about not existing
come on man its so obvious

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

I'd contend that the most selfish, and possibly the most infuriatingly self-righteous thing one can do is criticize someone's life decision regarding parenthood. At the very core of your argument, you assume that the ultimate purpose of a human's existence is to procreate. This is a dangerously steep claim to make on any philosophical grounds and in fact, one that you've yet to justify beyond some sort of "purpose" (another concept with nebulous definition) that nature, which is as far as we know a non-sentient concept, has somehow assigned.

On what grounds do you justify the claim that this is a prime priority of humanity? Our population is quite fine in terms of numbers, however other functions beyond procreation are things that we all can agree that readily need to be addressed.

What argument do you have that primal functions, such as reproduction, somehow have a moral authority over human autonomy? There have been a many people who swore off reproduction of any kind, yet prove themselves to be among the most beneficial to society (e.g. Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton and so on). What makes you think that none of the millennials can do the same?

What makes you think that procreating can bring nothing but good? What of overpopulation, birthing would-be individuals with negative effects on society, etc.? What of some genetic lines that are better cut off from reproduction (not by eugenics, but assumed by the individual's choice, whether it be for pleasure gains or otherwise)? Everything, including procreating, will bring benefits and drawbacks of many kinds; again, why place some sort of moral high-ground on procreation?

My point being that you need to think about the degree of assumptions you make with a claim like yours before you can even expect it to hold on fair logical grounds.

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited

That's a bit of a harsh judgment, don't you find? Not every person out there is suitable for parenthood. Much like there's some humans out there who shouldn't be parents. It's not always due to someone being lazy.. or refusing to own up to any responsibilities in life. Just some people are more the career type.. or live with poor health.. unable to bear children, etc. I think whether it's a selfish thing or not is more a matter of opinion rather than a fact. To each our own, after all. Materialism is a concern in today's world of course, but it doesn't always have an impact on whether people choose to have children or not.

For me, if I were to have children, I would love to share my belongings with them and pass on some of my family heirlooms that have been passed down to me. But a combination of poor health, as well as my own decision, I won't be having any children. I weighed the pros and cons to having them, and it's overall just best for the potential child and myself that I don't reproduce. And people can be in similar situations as me. But overall.. they're allowed to choose against having children, just as you're allowed to believe it's a selfish thing.. as it is your opinion after all. Just don't be too harsh while imposing it upon other people when it's their right to make that decision.

Reply May 18, 2016 - edited