

sleeping problems

hi all.

it's been two weeks since i've gotten a good nights rest. on average i'd say i've gotten maybe 3 hours of sleep a night and just yesterday i got no sleep at all. i'm starting to get bags under my eyes and i feel weak and a bit light headed and it's putting me in a grumpy/sad mood. i feel wide awake during the day, but at night i feel sleepy but i just can't go to sleep. i just lay on my bed for hours tossing and turning--sometimes i press myself against my bed trying to fuse with it... i don't have any sleeping pills or nyquil and would rather not take any of those. admittedly, i don't do much to get my tire myself physically because i'm on school break for another month and i don't have a job (looking for one though); at the very most i bike in the morning or afternoon for about an hour.

what do you guys do to fall asleep. help. thanks in advance.

August 26, 2015

16 Comments • Newest first


try ASMR? plenty of variety on youtube, maybe one will help you relax and put you to sleep.

Reply August 27, 2015

It's best not to rely sleeping pills as you may get dependent on them. If you must, do so as your doctor prescribes.

Try exercising, reading a boring book then turn the lights off for a good night's sleep.

Reply August 27, 2015 - edited

I went to the doctor about this before. He told me to take half a tablet of melatonin for 3 days straight @ the same sleeping time so that I could quickly adjust my sleeping patterns. I wasn't asleep for 3 days... Result: Able to sleep again and at the specific time.

Reply August 27, 2015 - edited

During this summer break, I would just stay up till I'm super tired and I am able to sleep easily.

Reply August 27, 2015 - edited

What if you're scared of the dark and need a night light and have this issue lmfao

Reply August 27, 2015 - edited

Just clear your mind and dont think about anything at all, i cant fall asleep if im thinking about even the simplest of things.

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

I used to have sleeping problemsq but dont now
What i do is exercise moderatly during the day and right b4 brd take a warm shower
After move all your electronics away from your room close all the lights close eyes and hope for the best!

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

Grab a headset or earbuds and search "ASMR" on YouTube. -

Example Link (make sure to use something like a headset or earbuds) :

Though there is a striking lack of evidence to support the effects of this sort of thing (as most of it tends to be anecdotal), I can at least personally attest that it works for me and my own problems with sleeping brought about by ADHD (it's also worth noting that I study cognitive neuroscience as a graduate student, so even I'm at least empirically skeptical of its effects).

That said, it may or may not work for you. There are plenty of people who don't experience the sort of "tingles" associated with it as there are people who do; if it does happen to work for you, it may help you with your problem.

I wish I could provide more scientific insight, however there simply aren't a whole lot of studies done on the subject; the only things we have to go on are anecdotes, which are inherently unreliable.

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

I don't sleep until like 6 a.m. and sometimes, I just want to fall asleep right away, too. What I do is turn off all lights in my room, go lie down and close my eyes without opening them for a good 15 minutes or so, and I take deep breaths while I'm at it. I also usually listen to my music, which is what helps me fall asleep.

These songs/sounds might help you fall asleep because they've worked for me:
[url=]Marconi Union - Weightless[/url]
[url=]Sound of Ocean Waves[/url]

Side note, these may or may not help for some people, but it's just what helps me usually.

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

i used to take melatonin by 10 and would phase out the lights by 11, 11:30. got me sleepy real quick
i think part of it was bc i was on my computer all the time and the lights made me not so sleepy

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

The best thing for me is to concentrate on not blinking.

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

hi antho

also, i don't use my phone or listen to music or anything before i sleep. i tried to bore myself to sleep by reading, i tried three nights ago--instead i got really into the book and stayed up longer than i should've. also, inactivity maybe has something to do with it but idk. it's not like i exercised before either and i used to sleep just fine.

again thanks.

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

Turn off all lights including your phone and pc an hour before bed. Nyquil is still worth a shot if you have something particularly important the next day and want to get enough sleep. You might not be getting enough exercise too.

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

hey onlinemusic!

eat sum food ( cus maybe yur trying to compensate hunger by sleeping) exercise without food and sleep is baaaaad just take a break from biking.
then close your eyes the whoooole time. i mean close your eyes. and dont put a pillow under your head. just straighten your spine.
close your eyes, breath calmly, and wait. do this on like a weekend or before a day off. remind yourself you have nothing to wake up for that is an emergency. just relax on that night.

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

try sleeping for 15 minutes. if that doesn't work, go do something low key for an hour. repeat until you fall asleep
this helps make your brain used to falling asleep within 15 minutes. also as stated above ^ that's worked for me too

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

skip a night of sleep and you should be so tired that it'll fix your sleep schedule for good..hopefully. Also no electronics an hour before bed, try reading something.

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited