

Im too scared to go to high school

My school starts in less than 2 weeks, and I can already feel it. I'm scared, nervous.. What scares me the most is how much students the high school has. It has 2000 kids! My middle school only had 500, and that freaked me out. Now that quadrupled! I can't stand that.. What if i get made fun on the first day. OMG im too scared. idk if i can do it. any help

July 28, 2014

26 Comments • Newest first


my transition from middle school -> highschool was like 1.5k -> 5k crazy hallways

Reply July 29, 2014

Learn to not give a f about anything
If people make fun of u be like hey up yours and sock em in the throat
Focus on ur books n sh. its 4 years of ur life why r u freaking out

Reply July 29, 2014

High school is just middle school with less pricks. And right about this time in your life, you should learn that more people means more opportunity. So you shouldn't be scared about having more people in your school. You'll probably pay attention to less than 100 of them in a day anyways.

The #1 advice given to freshmen is usually to get involved. Join a team or a club. Try out all of them if you don't know which one. But you have to join at least one and make it count. It'll help you in filling up your resume/applications later and especially making friends.

Reply July 29, 2014 - edited

You will struggle the first semester/year because of transitioning into a different environment. I had a total of 2,500 during my high school years, so don't worry about the number of students. High school is fun if you make it fun and meet the right people.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

dont keep everything in you back pack, only waht u really need
you dont want to be labeled the kid with the freshman back pack

join a sports team = easy clique

it not like it is on tv no one cares who you are unless you make them mad or are their friend

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

it's really just like middle school except with more students and harder classes.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

there will be parties, drugs will be taken and alcohol will be consumed. make sure you attend those parties.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

If i were in your high school, id totally be your best buddy.
Too bad im in college.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

just don't stand in the middle of the hallway especially if it's a narrow one with your little twinky friends, that pisses off the people trying to get by. and unless you act like some big shot that owns the grounds like the ones at my school, you'll be fine.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

Just try manage your grades
Hallways during passing periods will be a pain try to find easy routes with less people
Just talk to some old friends? or make some in your new classes you're bound to unless you never talk o-o

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

Judging from people's posts, high school must have changed a lot since I graduated from it a whole two years ago.

My high school was exactly like the one portrayed in movies except there were no girls and we had uniforms. People gave crap to those who were just minding their own business.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

just try and make a lot of friends on the first day like everyone is new and will want to make new friends unless you're a nerd

my advice: Don't stand in the middle of the hallway or join the anime club.
Join popular clubs like sports or something idk

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

Don't worry about it. If you think that your school is big, my high school has 3000 kids and is all on one floor. Take it as a chance to meet new people.
Freshman year kind of sucks, but it gets better and better as you get older. I'm only a sophomore, but I'm having tons of fun. Junior year is the year where there's tons of stress. You have to take SAT's, ACT's, and apply for colleges. Make sure you keep you GPA up to a respectable number and your grades.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

highschool isnt any different than middle school.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

[quote=Msstopposting]High school isn't like what you saw in the movies.

No1 even cares ur there unless you intentionally p/o'ed someone.[/quote]
Yea you p/o someone and your life will turn into the paddle scene from "dazed and confused"

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

High school is basically a bigger middle school with more opportunities. More people will mean a better chance of expanding your circle of friends. Soon, you'll have the chance to pick out of many academic or extracurricular classes that weren't available in your middle school.

Also remember that time goes by fast. You will be a freshman now, but before you know it, you'll be a senior prepared for college. Honestly, not many people will remember what you did, unless it was a great achievement, or a very humiliating event. If you have common sense, you'll be ok. Just don't stress out too much.

I'm an incoming junior and I can still remember my freshman year very well. Unlike some people here, I regret not enjoying my freshman year to the max. The schedule was perfect, and I loved basically all my teachers. They were either good at teaching, or fun to be with in the same class. I tried very hard in honors classes and in my opinion, the high school classes were easier than middle school. (My cousin came to America some years ago and barely spoke English. In high school, he has a 3.8 GPA)

TLDR: Except AP and Honors, high school classes are easy. Besides classes, high school has many social aspects. Have common sense and don't do anything stupid and you should have a nice time.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

lol that number of students will quadruple a couple more times when you get to college (depending where you go) but anyways, think about THAT

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

which school are you even going to?

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

ok here's some advice: literally no one cares about you. no one cares if you don't shower. no one cares if you dress up and put on makeup. you'll get 1 or 2 comments either way. chances are you will not be bullied especially not your first day. no one cares about freshmen. also the other freshmen who youll actualy have classes with are too busy being uncomfortable with being in high school to notice how uncomfortable you are. don't talk to people who don't look interested. don't make conversation with strangers in hallways. don't take forever on the steps. walk fast if its crowded, but don't run. that'll make a scene. dont make a scene.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

Assert your dominance.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

freshman year sucks. the worst year by far. But by senior year you'll rule the school and it's the best feeling

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

high school will be SO MUCH better than middle school believe me will love it

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

Just remember
-Walk on the right side
-Try not to kill anyone with your bookbag
-Never stop inside crowded hallways/stairways

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

well, it's not anything special. I think you should be more worried about getting good grades so that you can actually make it into a decent college.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

High School is just another school, it's really nothing scary or anything. None of what you see in Mean Girls or Animorphs is going to happen, so no worries.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

If you don't want to be made fun of, just be like everyone else. Don't mention anything that the majority of people don't enjoy like anime and waifus and ponies. Then just take a bunch of pictures of yourself holding beer and upload them to social media.

There you go -- I just made you cool.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited