
Daily Routine

Since I have not seen one of these threads in a while, what's your daily routine in maple? I tend to scan every fm (there's about 10 full ones since it's YMCK), do daily events, and boss if I have a friend to carry me. I don't like bossing as much now since it can suck up lots of my time since I can't 1-2 hit most bosses. Even with friends who hit cap, it still seems like it takes ~30 min. I mainly log on to talk to friends, but I wanted to hear your guys' input! Maybe I can find another thing to do on maple (^~^)/~

May 11, 2015

25 Comments • Newest first


1. Daily easy magnus
2. logout

Reply May 11, 2015

1. Kill bosses that I can solo
2.Event stuff( 50 coins from boxes, 15 coins from mushroom quest etc..)
3. AFK
4.Bit of training
5.Cry about being unfunded

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

I wake up and put my gear on. Grab some potions for the road. I then go over to my pawn shop too see how things are going, I was forced to hire this old lady... At least she tells me when things sell. Unlike the last guy who didn't say anything. I restock and hit the road once more. Now I'm off to the bank to check up on my savings. After all that I go searching for more inventory. The suppliers can be monsters sometimes, but luckily I know how to deal with them. All in a days work.

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

My daily day/week:
1. Farm Insight and Empathy until they're capped at 500 for the day. (I have my other traits at Lv 100 already)
2. Daily Mushroom quest for 15 coins.
3. Open boxes until I get 50 coins (I have 1500 boxes from the recent 2x events)
4. Star Planet if I have time. Get 1400 reward points from games + quests. Grab Star planet 2x EXP coupons as well. (Usually I skip star planet completely on my busy days)
5. Do Normal and Easy Magnus for Shards.
6. Do Normal PB, Madman Ranmaru, and Ark for EXP and drops.
7. Do Hard Magnus/Empress/CRA weekly for drops.
8. Party a guildie, Do Chaos Zak or regular RA for Guild Contribution
9. Do Hellux for drops
10. Afk in Festival map for coins. (This can happen anytime I gotta leave)
11. Scan FM with Owls of Minerva to keep up with prices on certain equips/items
13. Hunt Ikuras with drop rate equipment for coins.
14. Reset or set up shop and log off.

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

1. Daily bossing/free coins
2. AFK
3. Dimension Invasion (for craps and giggles)
4. check twitter and tumblr (lol)
5. AFK
6. Try to get 50 coins
7. AFK/checking my social media sites
8. Try to raise my main
9. AFK

(not necessarily in this order)

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

[quote=SlashNStab]@Savaah You're a nub frand!

I currently do 50 coins from boxes, daily mushroom quest for 15 coins, do 10 Dimension PQs (5 high quality gloves already o.o), daily bosses for reward points.
Going try farm up to get +8 Use and Etc. slots and try get the Red Relaxer.. Coin grind, fun fun.[/quote]
You should buy her things and give them to her for free. What kind of guy are you?

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

@Savaah You're a nub frand!

I currently do 50 coins from boxes, daily mushroom quest for 15 coins, do 10 Dimension PQs (5 high quality gloves already o.o), daily bosses for reward points.
Going try farm up to get +8 Use and Etc. slots and try get the Red Relaxer.. Coin grind, fun fun.

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

[quote=zane3341]Since I have not seen one of these threads in a while, what's your daily routine in maple? I tend to scan every fm (there's about 10 full ones since it's YMCK), do daily events, and boss if I have a friend to carry me. I don't like bossing as much now since it can suck up lots of my time since I can't 1-2 hit most bosses. Even with friends who hit cap, it still seems like it takes ~30 min. I mainly log on to talk to friends, but I wanted to hear your guys' input! Maybe I can find another thing to do on maple (^~^)/~[/quote]

Jeez. In Scania all 22 on ch1 are filled...then several on ch2 are filled...and then fm1's going up to about ch10 sometimes have more stores. Nevermind all the guild HQ's that have stores placed around, too.

My daily routine is to stay logged in 24/7 and stand mostly in ch20 fm2, ch14 fm6, ch7 fm1 or some various fm entrance. I mix it up sometimes and stand in henesys(never ch1 or the lower ch's...don't like the spam), root abyss or even SDH. I don't do anything else anymore really. Sometimes I buy a respawn pass and look for people who need help killing a boss and then I go run through tons of bosses and solo for them.

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

1. Do some training
2. Afk in fm forever

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

1. Do daily bosses with mule to get heaps of GP/rewards points
2. Get daily coins and open boxes for coins.
3. Login all other characters to collect daily 18 coins.
4. Do dojo if gloves expire soon.
5. Check shop mule to see anything sold then reset shop.
6. Talk to people if they are online
7. Go star planet if I have any motivation.

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

Well with current events
1. Get the daily coin login gift
2. Daily quest from scholarly mushroom
3. Open anni boxes until I get5 0 coins
4. DI for more boxes if possible
5. Hilla/Magnus if possible

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

I wander aimlessly

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

1. Browse FM looking at stuff i can't afford, leave messages in shops.
2. Have someone on My BL realize i'm online and ask where i've been
3. Sit in town for a while.
4. Finish a game of League of Legends and check what's new.
5. Look at FM again, open a shop for an hour, then window shop.
6. Log into a mule do half a DIPQ, queue with a friend to boss dailies, and quit halfway.
7. Log out. </3 </3 </3 </3 </3

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

1. Log in and collect my stuff from Fredrick only to be told I have no free space.
2. Spend the next hour or so logging in and out of characters moving stuff around so I can log back into my FM character and collect items from Frederick.
3. Trying to find a FM spot only to end up window shopping and losing all the time I had planned for training.
4. Open shop and log out

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

1. Get
2. Monie
3. Get
4. Paid
on a more serious note, a good day would be if I can do and complete this:
1. set-up/reset granny shop.
2. Do bosses lower tier bosses
3. Kritias dalies
4. max out empathy and willpower
5. Commerci
6. Finish Hell Gollux on 2 mules + main
7. Evo
I feel like I'm missing a few things, but I very rarely finish up my entire list. It's pretty time consuming.

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

1. oh god i dont remember

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

3~4. sleep or finish boss rush
5. event dailies if any
6.invasion if i wanna if not, train mules.

all done while spamming my BL

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

Usually on stream:
-Daily Bossing
-White Heaven record quest
-Few commerci/kiritas quests
-Get 10% more exp from training/farm honor
-Scanning fm w/ owls
-1 lunar dew c:

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

mostly like this:
-Cap on willpower and ambition
-Daily bosses
-train a link mule
-turning in leafs

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

Oh nothing... just walking around taking pictures of hackers and sending them to Nexon. Thats what I do every day. My job sucks and I don't even get pay for it.

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

Log on, do daily bosses for reward points and honor exp

Log off.

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

I generally only train, so if I don't train I'm afk or off

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

Hang around in Ch.1 Henesys.. by myself...

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

1. afk
2. afk
3. friend is on, talk to them for 5 mins
4. afk
5. afk

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited