
So how pay2win is boss arena?

So exactly how much range is required to actually kill your opponents boss....Im at 220k and the most ive ever done was kill half of a bosses health lmao.
I've never been killed except for this one NL that was hitting me about 18mil per line o.o

March 27, 2014

12 Comments • Newest first


I have a 1m range and only defeated Dragonair and Magnus so far

I usually hug the boss, unless it's Ani or Von Leon.

Reply March 28, 2014 - edited

Boss PvP seems to be more about survival than combat anyways. Not so much about trying to defeat the boss, but more about wiping out the opponent's lives.
Trying to play as the boss is too much hell though when attacks and movement are unresponsive due to crappy coding and server-based commands.

Reply March 28, 2014 - edited

Lol I do 1-2 mils and I couldn't even bring down the boss's HP to 9/10th.

Reply March 28, 2014 - edited

[quote=xBabiigirl]Boss arena is not p2w at all.. I was there on my level 69 dual blade(unfunded) against someone probably superfunded (with 3 sengoku totems) and I won[/quote]

odds are they ether went in with clean gear to be fair... or they couldnt control the boss
i have that issue hits skill key boss refuses to use skill has to mash key like 100 times for one skill to work...

could easily kill bosses but i prefer not to use super op gear to be fair
but yeah alot people have issues controlling the boss...

i seen a nightlord named lumilime or something like that her hits went from 3~5m per hit to like 38m
and she had absolutly no boss skill delay tryed boss she was using the game after that... the cooldown for the skills made what she was doing in boss mode complete bs

idk about how 3~5m hits went to 38m hits (seeing as you cant switch equips inside)
but boss mode just screamed their was something not legit going on

place has to much issues i mean delays fine and good but skills not responding to point were you have to mash key to get it to work...
then turns into a game of who better at running away or more funded...

i found it funny tho how mini funded players enter their and go all try hard mode when your boss

Reply March 28, 2014 - edited

Boss arena is not p2w at all.. I was there on my level 69 dual blade(unfunded) against someone probably superfunded (with 3 sengoku totems) and I won

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

I don't understand it ...

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

@menisponster was so eager to pvp me in boss arena AND KILLED ME AND LAUGHED

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

It depends on the range of the person you are up against so yes it is pay to win i.e funded. If they have godly range your boss will get owned. If they don't however you have a chance if you can get them killed more times than they can kill you obviously. It's very range biased as it will always be in a game about killing monsters with high stats.

But i will say though, the range required to actually kill the bosses easily is pretty high, so most people don't be able to kill your boss unless over 1m range. I say this because i have 700k and If the other person is good (not lagging with their boss) they can kill me before I get to kill their boss.

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

i have 50 k and i won 5 times/ 8

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

[quote=JustBeHonest]eh. I won as a lvl 63 to a lvl 210 ish...
You just have to run around and survive.[/quote]

I think he means to kill the boss fully

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

Boss arena is definitely pay2win... It's even more unfair against funded phantoms (you cant 1hko them, they can heal, cancel DR, etc...)
edit: Funding doesn't matter as much if neither player cant kill the bosses

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited

you don't have to pay anything to win, breh

where you getting your info from thooooooooooooo

Reply March 27, 2014 - edited