

Luminous, thoughts on other Mages need a buff or no?

It seems a little bit OP after watching some videos, or actually, just good ksers/AoE skills. Then again, the attacks seems slow, and there's not really a 1v1 skill but a ripoff of CL, as far as I can see.

Hello, "Meditation" (3rd job) increases 40matk >.<, Absolute kill (4th job) is a ripoff of Snipe. Does this means that we are getting a new animation for MG as well? Apocalypse looks like a copy of Flare as well...

Overall, this looks fun (you don't have to hold down a key to maximise the damage output). The playstyle is similar to F/p for not spamming a single key.

Check orangemushroom.wordpress 's first post (can't post link, thanks a lot Mr.B).

Side note: Portals look pretty(ier).

[header]WOWEE LOOK AT THIS[/header]
I did not intend this to be a big argument thread, and I thought this got down in the drain.
This thread is to ask for your thoughts whether should we other mages get buff on our skills, or not. NOT to start a very heated argument. Just because I slightly mention that they LOOK o.p. doesn't mean that they are.

By the way, %dpm/s charts are only calculations (on paper) work, those things does not factor to actual in-game experience (does it tell you that you lose dpm/s when you're stunned/dead? No).

NOT TO FORGET THAT it is just a 2D slide scrolling MMO-role-playing-GAME. If you're that concerned about being one of the top 'gamers' in ms, make a better class other than a mage.

June 23, 2012

43 Comments • Newest first


You know what, fun's over, this thread is locked.

I was asking for your thoughts, not %dpm (which is not even relevant to Luminous as well) on other mage's class. I'm not asking for a revamp, I'm asking for your THOUGHTS.

Reply July 2, 2012

[quote=Danzorg]well firstly, I agree with him, Im not just going to log on to MS and meet up just to proove something to some random basiler.
If you are more than happy, You must have a l o a d of time on your hands, or you're just bored, with nothing better to do.

seccondly, what youre saying makes no sence at all..

Evans are just like Cannon shooters, they have a spell that increases base range, which is why evans and CS's ranges are insanely high. This makes no difference though since all other classes have % elemental boosts or %final dmg or shadow partner or aura's. Evans and CS having high base ranges is just a fake out because of their % boost being in base range instead of final dmg or elemental boost.

Secondly, if a bam could hit cap he would do well over 3x dpm than a maxed out evan.

This is what you are saying... [i]a bucc can hit cap with 100k range and a mercedes will take 250k range to hit cap...[/i] how is that relevant?And what is your point? Because
if the mercedes can hit cap he would do 5x as much damage as a capped out bucc.[/quote]

What @doc is trying to say is, even with all of the hidden, unseen damage bonuses like auras and crap that BaMs have - they're still weaker than Evans. The point about transferring the same gear over is to say that an Evan with the same gear as a BaM, assuming neither cap, will be stronger significantly. Even after Evan's cap, BaMs will still be weaker until they get significantly more funded than an Evan, at which time the more hits > Evan speed + 4m/Illusion.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=Danzorg]wow calm down there buddy.. ironic how you are accusing others of double logging when theres magically INSTANTLY 2 likes on your post right after you post it... lmao. And this thread is almost dead.

and thats not the point, the point is if I transfered all my equipts to either F/P I/L or Bam they would all have around the same dmg, because the bad thing about evans is that they cap very easily.[/quote]

Funny because all my other posts in this thread have 0 likes. If I was that desperate to multilog for likes I'd bump all of them up as well.

@Carbos Should've rephrased - BaMs have a higher potential DPS cap than Evans. That is great after you cap with Evans. But as a result, BaM's are much harder to cap. That's mainly what I wanted to get through.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

@Iamprophet: I'd be more than happy to show a random kid on basil my damage. It's not something I flaunt but if someone is going out of their way to see it, I give them their show. I don't expect much from a bam, just give me your auras and I'll be on my way kicking more ass (most likely) than they will.

@Danzorg: Difference: Evan's need a 90k range to hit cap with. Bam's would need (and I don't know exact numbers) a speculated over 200k+. Is there a difference? Yes. My gear back on my 200 Evan gave it a solid 170k+ range. That same gear PLUS some improvements equates to a 121k range on my F/P. A Bam would be just as difficult and with their lower %-age on skills, I'd LOVE to see a Bam that isn't JusticeAura or FurryWaIIs do 600k+ per line with FB. And to be nice, with criticals.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

Your a class thats been buffed more than 3 times -____- .... But wait a second weren't mages on pirates asses for asking for revamps?

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=RisingRain]I'd rather flamebait people than actually try to talk to people who can't into logic.
Not to mention, having your argument destroyed and then calling another person who made some perfectly valid points an alt of this character? How sad is that?
I can do that too, hurr, why is @Iamprophet and @llparasitell your alts then? They definitely sound just like you.
The guy you mentioned that was "my alt" doesn't even sound like me.
Not to mention, why are the three I'm replying to who don't know anything about F/P's still arguing in this thread?
[b]Nowhere did I say that F/P's were the best bossers/mobbers. I spent the last 3 posts arguing against that. Yet people like @llparasitell and you are basing all of your assumptions on the crappy DPS% charts. DrK's are worse at DPS% than F/P's. That is true. They do need to be buffed. But also, DrK's have stance and status resistances, which are, in realistic situations, very important. A class can't attack if it's stunned, or it's being knocked back a while back to attack (Super KB). I don't care if your class has 20000% DPS on paper - if the class isn't attacking, every second is 0% DPS. That makes the difference between F/P's and DrK's smaller than the numbers show them to be.[/b]

@Danzorg Gratz, now multiply your funds by about 6-10, and that's how much you'll need to hit max on a BaM before their revamp. GL doing that without buying NX.

@Iamprophet Yeah, I'm pretty sure @doc his idea of "strong" is 500k+/hit of Finishing Blow (so 3m+/Finishing blow). GL finding [b]ten[/b] people who fit that [b]in your guild[/b].[/quote]

Someone give this guy a medal, 10 people in your guild is a huge exaggeration, [b]ON BASIL[/b] I've seen 2, maybe 3 BaM's hitting cap [b]with crits, only 1 can do it without the help of cheeses and crits[/b]

BaM's have extremely low skill percents to add with our abysmal DPM, we are underpowered/balanced.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=FlugUtoo]Better watch your mouth, your coming close to flame bait rather than criticizing and that's against TOS.

And I didn't even understand a single sentence with all your typo's and incomplete wording, please fix it.

The only sentence I could understand was "f/p was the best bossing class" excuse me ? who in the world said f/p was even close to the best bossing class. You need to sit down and reevaluate what you are even claiming. Tell me who told you f/p was the best bossing class.[/quote]

I'd rather flamebait people than actually try to talk to people who can't into logic.
Not to mention, having your argument destroyed and then calling another person who made some perfectly valid points an alt of this character? How sad is that?
I can do that too, hurr, why is @Iamprophet and @llparasitell your alts then? They definitely sound just like you.
The guy you mentioned that was "my alt" doesn't even sound like me.
Not to mention, why are the three I'm replying to who don't know anything about F/P's still arguing in this thread?
[b]Nowhere did I say that F/P's were the best bossers/mobbers. I spent the last 3 posts arguing against that. Yet people like @llparasitell and you are basing all of your assumptions on the crappy DPS% charts. DrK's are worse at DPS% than F/P's. That is true. They do need to be buffed. But also, DrK's have stance and status resistances, which are, in realistic situations, very important. A class can't attack if it's stunned, or it's being knocked back a while back to attack (Super KB). I don't care if your class has 20000% DPS on paper - if the class isn't attacking, every second is 0% DPS. That makes the difference between F/P's and DrK's smaller than the numbers show them to be.[/b]

@Danzorg Gratz, now multiply your funds by about 6-10, and that's how much you'll need to hit max on a BaM before their revamp. GL doing that without buying NX.

@Iamprophet Yeah, I'm pretty sure @doc his idea of "strong" is 500k+/hit of Finishing Blow (so 3m+/Finishing blow). GL finding [b]ten[/b] people who fit that [b]in your guild[/b].

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=naki0san]Well,you cant spam it at all,so i gues thats one thing to note,Also,they have passive magic guard,proves to be a disavandatage,when some boss sends damage to 1hp and yor mp gets to 1(Note:My bad grammar is due to me and my worthless typing skills )[/quote]

Uhh, passive magic guard is good.

Have you ever seen a mage without Magic Guard? Have fun with that.

OT: It won't last.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Iamprophet]its common knowledge that people who claim something to be common knowledge are just speculating off their own opinion.[/quote]

Find me 10 Bam's that are strong without having 5 grand behind their characters.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

@Danzorg: It's common knowledge that BaMs are one of the weakest classes in the game. My main is an F/P, so I actually have experience with the class. Evans, I/L, and BaMs are way better mobbers, and plenty of classes are better at bossing because they aren't affected by the damage cap, which really hinders F/Ps' potential.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

Mages [i]are[i/] getting a buff. What are you talking about?
The revamps were before the Resistance Re-Organization.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

Has nobody realized that F/Ps have a damage multiplier of 1.0, instead of 1.5+?

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

mob skill. i likey <3

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Carbos]Dam you are really a newb arent you -_-
LOL... 3
Heros hit 6 not 3.[/quote]
Intrepid Slash hits 4*, Raging Blow hits 6. We have Intrepid, therefore Heroes hit 4* targets.
(Whoops I had forgotten it was 4 too l0l)

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

IF anything, I'd want to be able to levitate! D:

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Arcana27961]BaMs are actually one of the weakest classes in the game...

I like how this thread became about F/Ps' DPS %s.

F/Ps aren't even the best mobbing mage class, and we certainly aren't the strongest either. We're average.[/quote]

*Cough cough* bishops' *cough*

Srsly what's with the heated dpm argument above? Shouldn't you play the job [b]you like best.[/b] Wouldn't that solve most of the problems?

Oh i forget, people are greedy .

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Danzorg]is this some joke? evans / I/L / F/P /[b] BAM[/b] ARE ALREADY ALL TOP DPM% CHARTS

and they need a buff ? dang woman.. you getting too greedy[/quote]

BaMs are actually one of the weakest classes in the game...

I like how this thread became about F/Ps' DPS %s.

F/Ps aren't even the best mobbing mage class, and we certainly aren't the strongest either. We're average.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

Hmm i dont think mages are in need of much more than the revamp coming to them.

If all their %dmg boost stack multiplicatively, i think i calculated it to be like over 4x dmg a tthe last few seconds of infinity

I/L hitting 200%*4~> 800%*6~>4800% per CL cast
F/P hitting 240%*4~>960%*4~> 3840% per Para Cast

Soon they get an extra 10% dmg boost.

Obviously range wise, Mages have the lower range becuase of a low weapon multiplier

With equal funding they will have slightly lower ranges than most classes, thats for sure.

Only reason it seems easier to fund any class over a mage is because of the duped weapon attack gear;
16 atk nose
30 atk mask
20 atk earrings
38 atk vss
thats 104 atk right there that mages dont have cheap access too D:

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Danzorg]is this some joke? evans / I/L / F/P / BAM ARE ALREADY ALL TOP DPM% CHARTS

and they need a buff ? dang woman.. you getting too greedy[/quote]

Man so much rage/flamebait in this thread

OT: BaM's are at the bottom of the DPM charts thank you very much

Also BaM's are pretty balanced, all i would want is maybe a skill for 1v1 and High mastery as many have stated

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

The only thing i envy them is their passive MG
Also it would be nice to take off the charge of bigbang and give it 3~5 seconds of CD

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

They definitely can't spam one skill, but they sure can spam two! Spam OP light skill, spam OP dark skill. Rinse repeat.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

Nexon needs to spend more time actually balancing the classes, rather than giving each class a revamp/buff so that they're on par with the modern day standards (Which they're not doing a good job at anyways)

Even so, I agree that Nexon needs to revamp certain classes more than others in the game (Simply because many classes have gotten major skill overhauls and new skill lists, while others have simply gotten a mediocre % Damage boost or an extra hit or two in their already existing skills)

Both the Arch magician classes need a hefty revamp, in my opinion. (In other words, I care not whether you agree with me or not on them needing a revamp, so please, don't throw a hissy fit when and if you do decide to quote me for whatever reason - Not to sound like an ass, but... yeah)

Due to the introduction of Luminous in KMS(T), I think the magician class will need a hefty revamp if they're ever going to stand a chance against Luminous. I'm not just talking about simple small % Damage increases in their existing skills, but new skills, ones that can compare to the insane AoE skills Luminous has, skills that can match them in power and practical use.

[b]What I wish Nexnon would do is re-buff MP Eater. [/b]

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=llparasitell]well firstly, you need to calm down their buddy, otherwise it aint gonna end up too well for you.

2nd, % charts apply to the majority of maplestory, what your saying is "if EVERYONE COULD HIT MAX MERC/MECH WOULD WIN"
thats not the case less than 1% of maplestory can even come close to hitting max and the other 99% of maplestory do not even come anywhere close.

% charts apply to the majority of maplestory unless you are in some kind of special circumstance like being able to hit 999,999
They show the relevance of balance[/quote]

[b]Yet F/P's are that special circumstance of being able to hit 999,999 easily with little funding, and everyone's still arguing about it[/b].
And no, you don't need to hit max on a Mercedes to beat an F/P. You just need to hit [b]200k/hit[/b], which a lot more than [b]1% of the population[/b] can hit.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=LordBalls]% isnt theory dummy.. its straight and pure FACT know the difference
Mechanics like getting knocked back are things that can hinder the %dmg chart, but only by a fraction
for the most part %charts are very accurate in determining which classes are balanced. You can even go as far as adding more mechanics like knock back recovery hindrance time and small stuff like that but theres no need to be EXACT.

If one class has nearly double the single damage% of another its obviously imbalanced at the moment and knock back isnt going to make much of a difference when someone is out putting 2x as much dmg as you.

all in all it gives a pretty good guide to see which class is ahead of which. And thats the main point.[/quote]

Wrong. I'll go fetch the Mercedes "DPS%". I took a few seconds, and tried to find the highest one. 5124%/s on 1v1.
That means that F/P's are better at 7620%/s on 1v1, right? Hint: if you seriously think that you're an idiot.
Took Double Leap Tornado, with SE, Adjusted Mastery, Weapon Speed (Fastest (2)).
7620% is from Weapon Speed, Fastest (2).
Hey, here's an important piece of information I forgot to mention that none of you mentioned for JoeTang's DPS charts: [b]Hits/s[/b].
Mercedes: [b]24.18/s[/b] off the same place where I found 5124%
F/P: [b]5.83/s[/b]. Same place where I found 7620%.

What does that mean? [b]A Mercedes could be doing 200k/hit and the F/P doing max per hit, and the Mercedes would be better[/b].

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=FlugUtoo]Oh brother, definitely one of the most failed replies that i have seen in a while, lmao This kid doesn't even know what % charts are.[/quote]

Do they factor in status resistance? No. Do they factor amount of max hits/cast? No. Do they factor in stance? No. Does more % = good. Yes, obviously. But you can't say that because one class is 6000% DPS but has a skill that's capped by cap significantly that they're better than another class that on paper is less DPS%, but has more hits, and doesn't cap that easily.

Also, DEX and LUK classes have an inherent advantage in bossing because they can avoid magic attacks that idk, can [b]stun[/b]? What good is paper damage when you're not even attacking?

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=FalconP]Just stop whining already, just because you know your wrong and everyone else in this forums knows your wrong you have to resort to personal attacks, which is against the rules.
Dont push your luck.

The topic was still if a/m's should be buffed or not and your obviously falling off of it.

I have already proven and listed out the scenario, when you found out you were wrong you started to make personal remarks, again going off topic and flame baiting are both against the rules. And I can tell you are already starting to edge off on to both of those territorys.[/quote]

I'll have a couple of things to say:
*ME doesn't only work on mobs. You clearly don't know how F/P's work. Yet you proceeded to take ME out of the F/P mobbing damage%, but left ME into the 1v1 damage%?
And DPS% charts are just that, %'s. How many other classes have stance, more hits/second, more hits/cast, some status resistance, ignore a buttload of boss damage, have loads of ignore DEF, and aren't hampered by the damage cap as much? Why is it that F/P's are at the top of the charts, but obviously, Mercedes are the best bossing class atm? [b]Because % and theory aren't everything[/b].

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=FalconP]wow.. such a fail..

You actually think this is my main? when you can literally get from 1-120 in less than a day?
XD !The only reason its my avatar is because This was my very first character.. and my only warrior this this right here,
im a bucc not a warrior LMAO... nice fail.

oh god this is too funny.

just quit your complaining already

XD so true, this kid is somethin else..[/quote]
>I really don't care whether it's your main or not. I said it was your [b]Basil character[/b]. Given that you have no other character listed, I have nothing to go off of, therefore I assume automatically you are what your Basil chara is.

>Tells me to stop complaining -> is complaining that F/Ps are overpowered. LOGIC o/

Reply June 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=FalconP]dude.. obviously im not on shadowers section, its just im looking at 3 forums at once and also trying to copy those dam numbers down, its just a simple mistake quit taking it so literally, im obviously talking about F/P I mean how many times did I mention F/P already.

And like I said, your an f/p and your tryin to complain, about better single target or some wishy washy stuff, now your saying F/P'S are made to be mobbers since the dawn of time?

wtf lmao... you just went totally against what you just said.

And seriously... get real.. even without ME your single and multi are both above average


even after the pirate revamp sairs and buccs are still below average in both single and multi target dmg output, thats just ridiculous, and you sit here complainin when ALL mages already have it made?

Do us all a favor and stop being a little brat when you already are OP.[/quote]

>I'm not complaining. I play my F/P just fine without status resistance, a reliable stance, or high mastery. It'd be nice if like all the other classes we could at least have them though.

>It undermines your argument when your Basil character is a Sader (later Hero) which is by far the strongest warrior in all aspects. If you want to talk about balance, maybe you shouldn't pick a character that dominates all other warriors.

Reply June 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=FalconP]wow.. this has brought a new meaning to how bratty some one can be.. when they ALREADY have the absolute highest mob dpm and an average single target dmg output.
R U SERIOUS? you friggin wish nexon will give you any more buffs
look at joe tangs charts
YOur single target output is on par with most other classes if not better and your 6 mob dpm is off the charts.
You better hope nexon does not have f/ps in their radar for the next revamp or else youll be nerfed like hell. The last thing Nexon would do is buff F/P'S
-------single------6 mob-----
Look at the calculations for without ME. We're extremely reliant on ME. If we don't use ME, we fall in line with the classes you've mentioned. With a Fast(4) sans ME, we're at 4103% DPS. We're extremely reliant on ME. We have a -very- low hit per second which greatly hinders us once we hit cap.

@lamprophet: It would be less of what we did if GMS actually removed party play from LHC/SH, but I won't even go down that road.

Reply June 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=dragon66]Imagine a new skill for the 3 explorer mages for example Ice Mode, Fire Mode , Lightning Mode, Poison Mode, and Holy Mode : Boosts 50% attack damage on skills that relate to which mode you're in and DPS increase of 35%[/quote]

mages dont use attack damage, we use magic attack damage....

Reply June 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=FalconP]Umm.. Your acting like bossing is supposed to be THE ENTIRE GAMES PURPOUS, when its merely a small fraction of the ENTIRE game. some classes are better at bossing and others arent.

At least f/p's have the #1 highest mob dpm
look at joetangs % charts.

THIS INCLUDES Drk, Buccs, Sairs, Bishops, Mikhail, wildhunter, DB, and Cannoneer
ALL OF these dont have a single target or multitarget dpm that is even near to the top.


F/p's are NEVER going to get buffed, the only revamp that might come is a NERF to ur dang mist explosion.[/quote]
I think what you're forgetting is that JoeTang's % charts don't factor in mob HP at all. The thing is, outside of LHC/SH/MP/Bosses, Mist Explosion is complete overkill. I don't need to hit 600k on any regular monster (sans DoT). The only reason F/Ps top mob DPS on JoeTang's chart is because he uses no mob HP. I'm fairly certain we won't top the mob DPS if HP was considered.

I feel we need to have somethings that Luminous got due to the fact that we have a lot of useless skill. Combining MG/MA would be really nice since I'd love to have some more armor without having to throw on another buff. On top of it, since MG is undispellable and 95% of the time we need it on, having it passive would just be nice.

Having a reliable stance available would be really nice. It's frustrating that we have this mediocre stance that's available for one minute every three. I would be fine having 50% stance as a buff rather than 70% stance periodically. I'd also like some passive status resist? I'm not asking for Demon Slayer amount, I just don't want to get hit with every kind of status ailment without raising my Willpower (or whichever trait it's on). I know some people may think that'd take away our "originality," but given the fact that Mages are now off the top of my head the only class without some sort of stance (dodge is stance as well) and at least some status resistance.

High Mastery. Pls. Pls pls. Arch Mages, Battle Mages, and Heroes. The only classes without it. WHAT IS WRONG IN THE WORLD. Make Buff Mastery High Mastery and move the buff duration to the passive along with Matk bonuses?

Remove Energy Bolt. Why is that skill still even in the game?

Reply June 30, 2012 - edited

if nexon did it right the 1st/second times they wouldn't need to revamp/alter classes every other week and we'd actually get game content..

Reply June 30, 2012 - edited

Luminous is a lot like Battle mage. They're amazing at mobbing and sub-par at 1v1 bossing.

Reply June 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=Jumegaltean]Not really, most mages, ESPECIALLY f/p's are on the lower end of dps %'s at higher levels due to 4 fatal flaws:

1. The majority of mage attacks (at least for adventure class mages) are some of the SLOWEST attacks in the game. Explosion vs. Meso Explosion as a prime example.

2. It takes substantially more funding to get just about any caster class (magic attack based) with the exclusion of evans to have a decent attack range than the majority of weapon attack based classes. As an example, let's take the top funded chara's for two classes in the game. Archmages with insane funding have around a 50k-60k range, whereas most top range sins or db's have a good 200k-300k range, and these are based on non-buffed statuses.

3. The majority of caster moves that actually do DECENT damage have cooldowns or charge times, such as Big Bang, Genesis, or Mist Explosion.

4. Caster classes don't have very many, if any good 1 vs. 1 moves. Casters in Maple Story are mobbers, and more than likely always will be, which is why they're terrible at 1 vs. 1 (again, not including evans). Most of the DPS/DPM % in forums comes from 1 vs. 1 fights using Ishtar's Ring for example, which attacks significantly faster than even some of the fastest caster spells like Paralyze or Chain Lightning. But get like 20 monsters together and a caster would easily outdo a fast attacker, due to the fact they can literally wipe out an entire screen of enemies with a couple shots, as opposed to a high dps 1 vs. 1 move. A 4 combo hit against 8 - 10 monsters = 32-40 hits a nuke vs. Ishtar's ring of 24 or so hits a second to one monster. As you can see, all classes have their strengths and weaknesses and saying one fast move is far superior to another at 4th job is kinda idiotic to me, because you have to take into account the full possibility for both moves, and also, how often the situation arises where you can use the full capabilities of it. DPS/DPM actually evens out if you think about it that way.

In all actuality given most of the forums about imbalanced classes and all this and that, in my opinion the classes are actually pretty well balanced. The MAJOR contributor that actually leads to I would say a good 90% - 95% is not the actual revamps or "class balancings" that Nexon does, but in the amount of funding that people actually have. I mean a well funded f/p can easily outdo a non-funded say Mechanic or Mercedes, but if they had equal funding a mage would literally get destroyed in dps/dpm.

Anyone remember those 400 atk Cravens and 550 atk Berserkers or whatever they were?

----> Class revamps, updates, and new classes don't imbalance the game, hacked gears and overfunded charas do. Enough said.<----[/quote]

The last point isn't right though. As you said, if a class had equal funding to a Mage, they'd get destroyed in DPS/DPM.
What Nexon should really do is make more endgame bosses (not CZak/Zak) that favor the mobbing classes.
I.e. make a boss with like 8+ parts so that a mob class could hit like all of them.
And you're exaggerating significantly on the range issue. If a DB/Sin had 100-120% stat, which is about what you need to get 50-60k range on an I/L (if you have Empress set I'd assume it'd be 80-100% stat), they wouldn't come close to 250-300k range.

Also, range is subjective between classes. A/Ms have a 1.5x multiplier that doesn't show up in range, but is seen in damage. Evans have a 1.35x multiplier that is seen in range, but their own Magic Amplification (1.35x) doesn't show up either. That's the main reason that Evan displayed ranges are "higher" than A/Ms.

@FlugUtoo How many endgame bosses do you know, where you actually hit 6 parts of the boss at 1 time? Endgame you'd be lucky to hit 2 or 3 at a time (excluding CZak).
Not to mention most of the lead that F/P's have over I/L's in "mob DPS %" gradually becomes more and more irrelevant once you cap Mist Eruption, as I/L's eventually cap GC as well.

Reply June 30, 2012 - edited

Just when you thought Evans are OP..

Reply June 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=DragunBaine]I think mages are fine, it's just that we have A LOT of worthless skills. i.e. big bang, glacier chain (I/L), etc.

The problem is nexon making other classes stronger and not really focusing on balancing anything.[/quote]

Dude, glacial chain and BB aren't worthless. The hell are you talking about.

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

Absolutely mages need a buff/revamp.

For adventurer mages and BWs, teleport needs to be moved to first job. BaM and Evan master Teleport before lvl. 30. It looks like Luminous also gets a teleport-like skill in first job.

Booster needs to be moved to second job. Adventurer mages are the only class to have Booster 3rd job. As a result they learn booster later than every other job.

Arch Mages are two of the only five classes to still have no high mastery. I was also super disappointed that BaMs did not get high mastery after the latest revamp

CL still hits 5 monsters? Blaze and Luminous' CL-like skill hits 8. I understand they are legends but, it should at least hit 6

IMO, 4th job summons should be moved to 3rd job. They should also ditch Big Bang for a better AoE skill.

Other: Nexon needs to give adventurer mages the same number of slots as every other job out there.

Like every other new class that comes out, they look OP.

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

Wow that chain lightningy skill looks boss these would be the big ksers at aliens if aliens is still around when these guys come

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

It didn't even come out.

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

The thing with luminous is, is that you have to use different attacks all the time. You can only use chain lightning effectively maybe 5 times in a minute. Most of the skills have a 5-10 second cool down and the Dark/Light skill effect makes it so you can't spam it without a cut in damage.

Also (I'm still looking into this), apparently you can control the move and where it hits, almost like Sheik's whip in super smash bros. I'm talking to some people and i'll have a full guide posted in a day or two

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

Luminous' "CL" is ridiculous in range. They have a mobbing boss skill like I/Ls, F/P's and Evans, that arguably has very low delay. As far as I know, its better than Ishtar Ring in potential DPS.

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

I dont want anymore revamps of all the classes. They done enough for awhile. They should just implement new content now instead of revamping the classes over and over again.

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

Absolute Kill hits [b]two[/b] targets.
Big difference from Snipe/Headshot

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited