

I dont know how to ride a bike

I think I'm the only person on Basilmarket who doesn't know how to ride a bike and that's sad. Now, you might be asking "how the hell do you don't know how to ride a bike?". Well, when I was a little kid I did indeed was learning how to ride a bike I had but my parents gave up on me after 1 day of teaching me how to ride a bike. For rest of my childhood till now I never rode a bike and I feel like I missed a lot. Now it's like 15 years later at the age of 19 and still don't know how to ride a bike. Sometimes I wonder what it feels like riding a bike, to be a normal person. I really want to learn how to ride a bike because I came to realization that walking to get to places is extremely inefficient compared to riding a bike. I have a bike in my garage and I'm determined to learn how to ride it but I can't do alone.

People say it's all about balance but every time I get on I always start tilting then falling eventually. So what's the secret to riding a bike?

June 24, 2015

23 Comments • Newest first


I take my bike riding ability for granted I guess. I know how but I never do anymore cause it messes up my hair.

Reply June 24, 2015


Step 1: Sit on bike
Step 2: Put hands on handlebar grips
Step 3: Using your feet try walking while sitting on the bike and kind of gently push around on the bike WITHOUT pedaling. You might be on your toes but just move left foot right foot while keeping stable on the bike with your hands on the grips.
Step 4: Once you have gotten more comfortable with just walking around while sitting on the bike, try occasionally lifting your feet off the ground and letting the bike coast (meaning letting the bike roll without any force given on the pedals). You can repeat the process until you feel comfortable coasting on the bike.
Step 5: Simply transition from coasting the bike to putting your feet on the bike while it is coasting.
Step 6: Once comfortable coasting the bike with your feet on the pedals, begin pushing the pedals at a comfortable gear. The lower the gear number the more times you have to pedal but lower the resistance and a shorter distance traveled. Higher gear settings will provide maximum distance traveled by the bike, but also has the highest resistance. Generally to get to a higher speed quicker you have to use your shifter (located near the brakes) to shift to a higher gear. Shift to a low gear when going up hill.
Step 7: Locate and become comfortable with using your front brake as a means of stopping the bike rather than the rear brake. The rear brake should be used only in emergency situations or situations in which you need to stop rapidly and in a shorter distance. The reason why you should use your front brake more often is because your rear brake calipers can be better preserved over time if you mostly use your front brake. The front brake can't stop your bike as fast as the rear brake can since your bike is rear wheel driven. Thus, when in emergency situations, you would want your rear brake to brake the bike as fast as possible and that mostly comes from not using the rear brake too often.

Reply June 24, 2015

I learned when I was like 8. My brother just held the bike and let go (I didn't notice) and I started going on my own. But that was like after 5 times of failing. It's okay once you learn you won't forget.

Reply June 24, 2015

I'm 20, almost 21 and I cant ride a bike or swim. I actually have such poor depth perception that I can run in a straight like without tilting to one side after awhile and I don't have the mechanics to catch. I am was not made to play sports. I have a 100lb dip, 450lb deadlift though so I wouldn't say I'm terrible.

Reply June 24, 2015

I didn't either and one day I was like YOLO and then I learned because I didn't wanna fall. You need some effort and drive man

Reply June 24, 2015

Road cyclist here. Taught myself how to ride 5yrs ago
0. Get a f%}*ing helmet that fits snugly.
1. Learn to balance on two wheels. Just sit on the saddle (keep low enough that your feet can touch the ground ) and kick yourself forward like on a scooter. Don't pedal. Just try rolling around using your feet to kick off the ground
2. Learn to brake. Make sure to rely on the back brake more than the front since the front can kill you
3. Make sure your bike is still working fine. Take to a local bike shop and get them to fix it up, cuz you won't get it right the first time no matter how many YouTube tutorials you watch
4. Ask local bike shop for tips about anything and everything from maintenance to bike routes
5. Practice
6. Once you got the hang of scooting and stopping on a bike, try pedaling. Have a friend or someone at the local bike shop help you. Wear knee and elbow pads, even gloves and off ur helmet
7. Go around in a grassy or nonhazardous terrain, like a park. Grass doesn't hurt as much as concrete, even if pedaling is harder
8. Do turns, coasting, and practice
9. Once you are confident enough try things like riding out of the saddle (standing on pedals) this stage took me a year to get to
10. Ride on a road for commutes and follow advice from LBS.
11. Have fun, you can do it. if I, a potato, can learn, so can you

Reply June 24, 2015

20 in 6 months, still no idea how to ride a bike.
Bikes are for nerrrrds.

Reply June 24, 2015

please i go to a university that is a bike town with a freaking bike museum and i have never learned
well i did but i would tip over so no

i used a scooter my 1st yr realized i looked really dumb but i also dont care atm and no one will let me attach training wheels to my borrowed adult-ish bike

Reply June 24, 2015

One of my mom's elderly neighbors just learned to ride a bike last year. We saw her riding a bike with training wheels with her husband, and then later she was riding without them! Really cute actually.

Reply June 24, 2015

I don't know how to ride a bike either. And I can't swim or snap my fingers.... There's just some things that are harder for others

Reply June 24, 2015

How I learnt.. was like those kid bikes with the 2 little wheels on the side when I was a kid.
It's probably one of the easiest things, imo it's not that hard o.o just maintain balance.. pretty much

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

I didn't know how to ride either. I learned how to read a bike when my friends invited me to ride bikes with them. The next day after the invitation I was determined to learn how to ride it, so I practiced in the side road where no one is walking or somewhere small so I can circle around.

My tip is to first learn how to get on and what sort of helped me get started is to have the bike the right size so that you can be able to put one foot on the ground without completely falling down. Once I knew that I wouldn't fall, I just kept on practicing pedaling and turning. I never mastered it but I was able to ride it.

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

[quote=CharlieAQ]After reading the comments... wow, didn't know basilmarket people were full of losers at sports o.o[/quote]

I agree 100%

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

Just do it.

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

[quote=CharlieAQ]After reading the comments... wow, didn't know basilmarket people were full of losers at sports o.o[/quote]

>oh he can't ride a bike he must be a loser, there can't possibly be any other reason for why he can't ride a bike.

Come on, man.

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

I turn 20 in about 6 weeks, and I don't know how to ride a bike.
It's far more common than you would think

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

[quote=Piana]I don't know how to ride a bike too.
I don't even know how to swim.
I just see no point in doing them.[/quote]

Are you a 300lb reddit user?

OT: It took me one time to learn the bike. I learned at around 5 years old. All you do is pedal and you'll start going, especially since you're big enough

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

pedal moderately fast or else you'll fall, you might be scared but just do it.
that's it.

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

I didn't know how to ride a bike til age 18, and when I did I mastered it in like 15 mins. You got this

The key is to keep your momentum, just hop on and start pedaling to build speed. Don't let your anxiety put your feet on the ground, it's gonna mess you up. It's forward or bust

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

I know how to ride a bike, but outside of learning how to do it and one trip I've never done it again.
I don't know how to swim
I've never flown
I've never left Southern CA

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

It's really hard to ride a bike at a slow speed, especially for beginners. So you should try to gain some speed first like down a hill or pushing off with your foot as with more speed you will have more balance. Don't be afraid to fall too.

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited

pedal fast
don't be 500 lb

Reply June 24, 2015 - edited