

General Fun

help me name my new college convenient store Hi, My college is very heavily scienced based, our mascot is called "Drake the devil". So I was wondering if anyone could give me a cool name to name the school store? I graduate this year so I wanna leave this school leaving behind some bit of history (by naming the school food store). The store is exactly like your typical 7-11/ Wawa/ Sheetz. I wanted to name it Drake's Snack, but idk if thats good. If you have anything clever just lemme know , thanks ! :D


Clean slate scrolls and items Hello! I was just wondering how these scrolls actually work. Lets say I have these two scenarios: 1) I scrolled a wg to 8 attack but the last scroll failed.(60% scrolls) 2) I scrolled a wg to 8 attack but the first scroll failed and i kept going on with it (again 60% gfa) So the question is, does the clean slate scroll remove one slot without touching the attack on the second glove? or does it make it 6 attack? Because i assumed that clean slate scrolls would remove the effect of the last slot as well as the last scroll used( whether it worked or not)


How do people make perfect weapons? Hi! I want to go about making a perfect shining rod for myself. I know theres anniversary scrolls that are 20% and 40%. I Also plan on making Clean slate mules. Another question is that are the items that prevent your item from blowing up? If i Use a 40 and it fails and such? I haven't actually been to the FM in awhile. Also if there isn't do you know any item that DID prevent a boom in the CS? cause I might end up buying 40% scrolls and use nx to protect my item. Just wondering :) Thanks!


iSleeponCats from Utility Guild. Scammed me Well I'm not looking for sympathy, I just want utility guild (allianced with eternal) to kick out iSleeponCats for scamming me. As much as you guys want "proof" or "ss" I don't have any but here's the story.. Im sitting here in elnath ch 1 market place . and he's like " Can someone [b]loan me[/b] 5m for potions.." The reason why I don't really care too much is that it is a measly 5m however, after he got the money i proceeded to buddy him and he's like "why buddy?" and I said that when he gets the 5m back that he can just give me the mesos when he gets it. He then does the mercedes flash jump away saying " Well... I lied". And yeah he left. My poin

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