

General Bowman

Killing gollux Hi i'm having trouble killing gollux on a marksman. I can't find any guides or videos online that explain where to position, where to put illusion, etc. only videos of people killing it so can anyone help with this. Currently I can only kill the easy version and I still usually die once in easy. I think I have enough damage to kill normal or possibly hard (around 450k with mpe potion and 12 att elixir) but I always die 5 times before I can do much to it. Can anyone explain what to do as marksman? I'm not sure if this is a good idea but since pierce is longer range than snipe I can stand a bit further away. Anyone with more experience or knowledge on this please help!


Did all the voyage bosses get buffed? Before I could kill all the bosses without a problem but after the beast tamer update I can't the dragon ones. I can beat the polpo bosses but they take much longer to kill. It takes me about double the hits to kill the normal polpo now and the red one feels longer too. My voyage times overall went up by about 2 minutes. Is anyone else experiencing this? Also does anyone know about the new hellban? Only saw one thread about it on the ms forum.


Should I get it I don't like any of the permanent nx weapons so I am going to be anviling my sweeth2o once I get it. However i've been trying to anvil for the past 2 weeks and i've spent over 500 denaro possibly 600 (stopped counting after 4 days of 100 denaro + 1 day of 70 denaro failed). The anvil will be removed from the cash shop on the 21st so i want to buy it a couple days before that just in case something happens. The thing is i'm scared the anvil will expire before I get a success on the transpose so i'm unsure whether or not I should get it. Also if anyone knows does the anvil carry over after the transposition?

General Bowman

Does this sound right? Hi everyone. I've been looking at a couple damage range threads to get some hints as to what to get. I feel as if my damage is a bit underwhelming for the items I have. Not sure how to go about improving this but I was considering getting a set effect, though i'm not sure which to go for since i have pieces of several different ones. My current equipment is as listed... 24 att 21% dex 3l unique empress hat 6% dex 3l epic ghost ship badge wooden and silver joe totems evolution ice crystal +3 att +3 all stat 1% dex 3l unique spec- this was 7% dex 3l unique but used a couple meister cubes on it and got 10% str so only have the 1% neb left 10 att 9% dex 3l epic ra top no bot equipped though i have a clean ra bot in my inv

General Bowmaster

Which bow to get? I was hacked a little less than a year ago when mts leaked some info. My bow and everything I was wearing was stripped. I decided to make a new bm recently and I need to rebuild my equipment. I have 50k nx to spend (2.5b) and I was wondering what I could get with that. The hackers left some crappy items that I can still use. My current equipment on my old bm is... -2l scarlion helm -Renegades glasses -3% dex +8 dex cape -3% dex overall -spiegelmann necklace -10 att wg -4% dex belt -6% dex earrings -4% dex sneakers -3 silent crusade rings and a gratias ring -118 att 3% dex bow Some of the equipment is untradable so I may keep my old bm. Also because I have no equipment, my str is very low. Even though it had 60 base str, my