


100b Shade or Shadower? Hello Basilers, I'm about to fund and create my secondary for the sole purpose of bossing. I'm willing to allocate somewhere between 75b-100b in the long run. I'd approximate this would give me about ~700k-1m range clean. My future goals are to duo every boss out there except CVellum. I'll be aiming mainly for Hellux, Empress, and Hard Magnus. I'm currently interested in two classes: Shade and Shadower While I know Shade is the "better bosser" (simply because of better utilities), I'm mostly interested in boss times (I guess this translates to dpm). Which one of these two classes would better suit my needs? Thanks for the help!

General Bowman

What am I doing wrong? Wind Archer Range Hey fellow maplers, I was looking at some equipment videos for other classes and the few I've seen seem to have nearly double the range than me with much subpar gear. I've spent a significant amount of mesos more than those in the videos -- sure I'm missing quite a few pieces of equipment, but I think I'm doing relatively well for the ones I do have. Unbuffed,190437 - 224044 Self-buffed, 311809 - 366834 151 % Boss 537 Weapon Attack in equipment 153% Dex Level 202 Am I doing something wrong? Unbalanced between ATT and Dex %? Or is it simply my class (no offense taken) -- Thanks for the help!


Maplestory Robo Pet Hello Basilers, I was just wondering if it is normal for your robo pet to be constantly 'freezing' every 10 seconds or so. My robo pet does this flexing/vibrating movement (whether in air or ground) and stays in place for a good second and does not follow me. This lag-effect ultimately creates distance between the pet and I (as I am constantly moving) thus the pet teleports to me and misses all the drops that could have been picked up if it did not freeze. I do keep it constantly fed. Is this a normal outcome? Thanks!


P/C 15% Items Hello Basil, I've quit for a few months and want to sell my stuff but don't know current prices. I'm in the server Khaini I made a previous p/c but cant bump it =( 15% Str Rose Earring Clean 15% Dex Rose Earring Clean 15% Dex VSS Clean I'm understand its around 1.5b for the earrings and around 2b for the vss but no clue. I'm finally selling them as I have a laptop to afk-shop in haha Pretty sure I had some more but I can't recall.. I'll log on my other chars later and check.. Anyways, thanks!


Do Shadowers outdamage BM? Hello Basil, Please don't get me wrong, I have no intention to "join" the bandwagon (I believe it's slowly dying and converting to DB) of shadowers but there's a slight argument i've been reading as I've been reading basil forums. Some basilers claim that shadowers will actually out damage a BM on a boss? I find that hardly to believe since a BM is less mobile, no mobbing, less hp, less avoidability, etc etc; therefore, a BM should at least out-dps a shadower for 1v1 Solo bosses. Just trying to clean up any misconceptions here.. Yes, obvious is obvious, funding > less funding. Let's give an approximation. Around 5bil for both. Edit: This thread is now locked for obvious reasons. I'm not asking for fla

General Bowman

What atk should I stop making my engaw? Hello Basil, I plan to make an engaw with xxx amount of attack to whitescroll/50% Yes, I am aware that a VIP bow is better as well as the future 130 and 140; however, I don't like the aesthetics of the VIP bow and the 130 will only be 5 atk difference from the 120 (from looking at the pattern). 140 will be nearly impossible to get so I don't want to think about that. What i'm wondering about is when should I start scrolling it. Obviously, I'd be using the maker skill and making +3 (with diamond) and +-5 (with crystal) If 105 is base, and 108 is with diamond, how high should I be looking for the crystal to work. Of course the higher the better, but in all likelihood, I won't get a +5 from the crystal o

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