

Calling All High School Students

Just started freshman year. I have one question. I know all high schools are different but if I do all my work,hw, pay attention in class like I usually do but not study for tests will i still be able to get good grades and graduate? I just don't like studying. Thanks

October 16, 2014

25 Comments • Newest first


[quote=TypicalDay]Just started freshman year. I have one question. I know all high schools are different but if I do all my work,hw, pay attention in class like I usually do but not study for tests will i still be able to get good grades and graduate? I just don't like studying. Thanks[/quote]
i pay attention in class, i do all my homework, (several hours a night) and i am going to do 60s-70 on my test tomorrow if i dont look some stuff over right now.

Reply October 17, 2014

I can't get good grades without studying. I am cursed with horrible attention span. Guaranteed less than 70% mark if I don't study at all and only do my hw and try to pay attention in class.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

Better start developing some good habits in freshman year. I slacked off that year and gave myself some terrible habits. My advice to you is to study little by little everyday rather than cramming the night before.
Oh to answer your question, I did not study for any class freshman year and ended up with a 87-88% average

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=luckysausage]get some pants on![/quote]

How about- no.
Nature called, they want their cotton back.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=Sojin]Study = good grades. If that's what you want. Freshman and sophomore year I didn't study. As a junior, I learned it the hard way. You should practice studying though if you're going to continue studying after high school, as in college.[/quote]

get some pants on!

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

I'm an ex-high school student meaning i graduated and I heading towards college/university. In canada you had to succeed in the grade 10 literacy test to graduate highschool

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

I never did homework and never studied and i passed all my classes by the skin of my eyeball.
Except one time where i did 2 all nighters in a row, thrice.
Straight black coffee does wonders.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

If you understand everything you're being taught during the lesson, and can solve similar questions, that is basically studying. Up until my senior year, that's all I did and still ended with decent grades

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

@xDracius: precisely.
I never, ever even thought of studying until sophomore year. I remember in fifth grade, my science teacher was talking to me about studying and I just said "well, I don't know how to study" and he's like "wut". But sophomore year when I had chemistry and freshman year when I was starting to learn more trig, all of a sudden I couldn't simply "get" everything like I used to. But when I did all my homework, I got it, when I didn't, I didn't get it. With some exceptions for chemistry, cause my teacher was really annoying and a pretty bad teacher.

I have no idea how you study for conceptual classes besides writing essays in English, which is usually done mostly in class.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

I mean honestly doing homework is a bonus to your grade. You study for the tests to be able to maintain good grades especially if you want to go to a good college and end up with a better job in the end. Unless you're satisfied being a regular joe working in a cubicle for the rest of your life since you wanted to be lazy during high school.

Most of my classes during high school were and are AP classes so tests are weighed very heavily such as 90% in calc. Rarely ever got a class where homework was more than 15% of the actual grade.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

Did this in highschool, completed full IB 4.x weighted gpa. To be honest I could have done alot better if I cared more.

Take mad notes in class. I have several notebooks completely filled with notes. Keep your math notebooks especially.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

If you pay attention and do your homework and take notes and everything, then you shouldn't have to study. But it depends on your teacher and your memory retention

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

I've maintained a 3.8 weighted GPA in high school is minimal studying (less than an hour a month). It's a pretty good GPA for the decent colleges, but if you're not going to study ever, forget about the competitive colleges.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

Explain to me how you can study without doing the homework?
I wanna learn this god-tier technique.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

I passively learn my stuff so I always get the good grades without studying

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

Depends on what kind of class you're taking.
I'll list what applies to me, because all schools are different.

Normal: Do homework + pay attention + not extremely retarded = high chance of a B/low A
Honors: Study (notes and book) + pay attention + good work ethic + homework (optional at times) = high chance of getting above a C (be smart to get B or A)
AP: Do everything like honors, but 2x. Focus on the material in class. (And hopefully know what you're doing) = ? (because I only heard this from friends)

For the normal classes, the homework is indeed busy work. But if you don't do it, it will kill your grades, which is very sad. Most of the time, the homework is easy so it's not that bad. (It just takes time to do.)

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

For regular classes you really don't need to study until you are taking AP classes then you should learn how to study because it will help in college.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

[quote=fradddd]Doing all your homework should be enough to study unless your teachers are terrible and only give you busy work. I never study, and the years I did do homework I got good grades, the years I didn't do homework I got bad grades. Junior year I mostly didn't do homework. When I DID do the homework for one unit, I always did great on the test. So as far as I can tell, homework and paying attention is what matters most.

Also, most useful homework will come from science and math because they're almost all about memorization. Your other classes probably won't have as much homework quantity-wise, and the homework will count for less in those classes.[/quote]
All of my this.
Homework is based on material learned in class. Doing the homework means you're reviewing the material learned and therefore are studying.
In any case if the teacher doesn't give out homework and just tells you to study, then just skim some areas you've already done work in, no need to sit there for 30 minutes reading a chapter if you've already done the work.

Classes that are more conceptual in nature like English and AP classes will probably require a bit of studying before doing the work unless you understand the concept right away.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

Doing all your homework should be enough to study unless your teachers are terrible and only give you busy work. I never study, and the years I did do homework I got good grades, the years I didn't do homework I got bad grades. Junior year I mostly didn't do homework. When I DID do the homework for one unit, I always did great on the test. So as far as I can tell, homework and paying attention is what matters most.

Also, most useful homework will come from science and math because they're almost all about memorization. Your other classes probably won't have as much homework quantity-wise, and the homework will count for less in those classes.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

I'm on my senior year.. and I can tell you... I rarely do hw when I know my project and test grades are good on a certain class.
It's all about the Grading Scale/System!

Example: Hw = 10% of your grade, BUT tests/quizzes = 50%..... which one is heavier? xD

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

Study = good grades. If that's what you want. Freshman and sophomore year I didn't study. As a junior, I learned it the hard way. You should practice studying though if you're going to continue studying after high school, as in college.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

Just want to pass the class without studying? Sure
Want to get good grades without studying? Unless you are a prodigy, it's highly unlikely.

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

If you don't study and pass, then it's kay.
Fail the tests, den naww, go study
a lot of people don't like studying either
but it depends how much the tests are worth on the grading scale, and extra credittt

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

doing homework is like studying in a way...

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited

tests will depend on the teacher. I got by most of hs without studying but some teachers will really test your limits with how much you can get by w/o studying

Reply October 16, 2014 - edited