

Graduating from high school soon

So I'm going to be graduating from high school in 3 months, and it just hit me how much I'm going to miss high school.

Anyone else with similar sentiments?

March 20, 2013

30 Comments • Newest first


Graduating in two weeks or so.

Reply May 8, 2013

I'm almost a year into college now. I still prefer high school. In high school I got free lunch, free everything. I barely studied. I had more friends, things were simpler. When I first left high school I also really didn't want to leave because I'd miss some person I like. But we all move on eventually. Most of my friends were happy to leave high school, they had drama or whatnot, but I always kept clear of that kind of crap.

Reply May 8, 2013

it will phase through you.

Reply May 8, 2013

I prefer college over high school. It is more structured, no bullying, less immaturity, people are generally more focus on passing the class, the professors are more qualified and enthusiastic about what they teach. Overall a better learning environment.

Reply May 8, 2013 - edited

I'm graduating this year too.
I think I'm going to miss a lot of my friends who are in the classes below me but other than that, I don't see myself missing too much of high school.

I'll finally be able to do things on my own time and not have to get up at 4:30am anymore. I MIGHT ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO GET UP WITH THE SUN.

Reply March 24, 2013 - edited

I'm going to graduate HS soon too. I'm not going to miss it much, because I'm also currently a 2nd year college student due to the Running Start program.

Reply March 24, 2013 - edited

[quote=FlamyHeavens]American school systems are confusing o.o
So middle schoool is Highschool
And college is Uni?[/quote]

Not it's Elementary school>Middle school>High school>College(university)
Elementary school is grade(year or whatever you call it) Kindergarten-6(5 for some)
Middle school is grade 7-8(6-8 or 7-9 for some)
High school is grade 9-12

Reply March 24, 2013 - edited

I miss it, almost been out for 10 years now.

Reply March 24, 2013 - edited

I miss being able to sit in high school and do nothing, but get great marks. Things don't roll like that in university unfortunately.

Reply March 22, 2013 - edited

[quote=Espeon]I don't think I can say that I miss high school, but I can't really say I'm enjoying the uni life either. So far uni life is mediocre. I've only recently graduated from high school last year and I've been in uni for 4 weeks now. I'd have to say that in high school, it was easier to make 'close' friends compared to uni. In high school you actually had to see the same people over and over, every day for 5 years straight. So you were bound to make at last a friend or two to sit with in class, study and eat with at lunch times. As compared to university, you actually have to make the effort to keep in contact with people that you potentially met in your lectures. That's usually quite hard since their timetable is usually completely different to yours and heck... it doesn't mean they'll even attend all their classes.. if any (you're lucky if it's not). Then there are those lonely, LONG breaks between lectures and it sucks if no one you know is attending that day Oh, and I thought the work load was hard in high school... Now... I barely have time to do anything since I'm constantly trying to not fall behind in my classes. To add to that, if you're in a course that you're not really passionate about, it makes uni life much worse. Even though it's been 4 weeks, I want this year to be over already so I can transfer courses already and potentially transfer unis.[/quote]

Where ya from?

(just started uni personally myself too) workload is a complete biiitch, but at least I found biology really interesting in school so i could carry on with the health sciences.
I'm from New Zealand, so the entry pathway into medicine is a whole lot different than the states - even bloody Australia.

It all pretty much boils down to the first year, where 1500 people compete for 150 places, (so people that were like averaging 92% would get in). But after that, Medicine itself would be fairly easy-cruising (roughly 50% GPA would get you into the next year) - so you'd pretty much [b]have[/b] to try to fail.

Hnnnng workload - hell, I'm procrastinating over a test I'm meant to be studying for that's happning in ... 6 hours..


Reply March 22, 2013 - edited

Already graduated and couldn't give two flying effs about my school
The school was a hellhole where they didn't give two s**ts if we were struggling or not
They only cared about their income, especially the crappy principle we had

Reply March 21, 2013 - edited

High school was fun. Our class was really small and moved up together, so we all got to know each other really well. We had class memes where we would misquote lines from Shakespeare or Marlowe (my personal favorite was "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" from Hamlet). But even though it was fun, I never really feel like I miss it. University is just so much more interesting and engaging.

Reply March 21, 2013 - edited

I miss high school (and by that, I mean everything that those 4 years encompassed, not just the experience in school from 9-3). I didn't quite realize how awesome the people in my class actually were until I went into my competitive engineering program. My experience in uni has been that people tend not to be very helpful, and if they see that you can be useful to them, they won't hesitate to befriend you and use you as a connection / source / stepping stone.

Whether you miss high school or not will depend on your experience with it relative to everyone else, so I can understand why some people don't think much of it. To me, high school represents a time where people weren't consumed by ambition and selfishness, and where cliques weren't nearly as bad. Everyone was approachable and friendly, and no one was competitive to the extreme. It was just a healthier social environment to be in.

Reply March 21, 2013 - edited

Going to miss the people who I never got too close too. All those years of getting to know people...

Reply March 21, 2013 - edited

Yah,ok you are graduating. Now, what are you going to be when you grow up?

This is what I asked myself.

I didn't want to grow up, like other people.

I want to grow up like myself.

Not a doctor my parents can brag about.

Not become a person I hate.

I would like to find a purpose.
A good purpose that is not distracting to what is happening to other people that live on Earth.

Sure, I could have an occupation spreading my ideas to other people like religious people.

I could also become a doctor and have my parents brag about me.

I could become an engineer because it would be "cool."

I think they are all stupid ideas if they were to be forced upon me by advertisers.
Advertisers that made their job being Advertisers. Terrorists, Advertisers; Religious people, Advertisers; External Labor users that sell the items from the lesser developed country in america as products that are cheap in price and quality, Advertisers.

Item sellers; Idea sellers; Labor sellers;

I could be one or a combination of them.

Those are all I can think of today. Are there more advertisers? 3/20/2013

Item sellers; Idea sellers; Labor sellers









Do you know what you are?

Which of those do you like?

Which of those do you have access to?

If you do not have access to the ones you chose, do you want to have access to them?

Do you want access to them?


I do not know you..
I do not know why you made a thread about your experience.

I do, want to know what you have.

Awesome ideas, a controllable body, a farm

An invention that no one has ever seen before, an athletes body, old investments in google stocks.

Well, whatever you like.

If you don't like it, you might act angry to innocent people.
At that time you might injure them permanently. You could continue spread anger and hatred and pride and prejudice.
At that time, you do not deserve to contact another person, with out influencing them. Without having a chance of injuring them and continuing the cycle of hatred.


I want you to find something you like to do.
That something, being what you like to do and what other people think you are good at doing.

With this action you can obtain true purpose in life.

And for the rest of your life fulfill that purpose constantly.

Until death, if that ever happens to you.

Reply March 21, 2013 - edited

I'm just going to enjoy it as it comes
drag it out for as long as possible I suppose

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

on your first day of college you'll never miss high school again

two years into college you will hate it and want to graduate asap

6 months after graduating college you'll want nothing more than to go back

5 years later you hate life

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

Graduated as a Senior in June 2009, I worked around 2009 and 2010 as a file organizer through training. 16 months unemployment, worked as a housekeeper/janitor for a year and 2 months, then I'm no longer working there because glaring flaws. Now I'm searching for the job.

I don't miss going to school because I had to deal with people who make fun of me.

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

I miss both higshcool and university, and I think in time a lot of people will too. The older you get the harder and harder it becomes to make time to see your friends. You go from seeing them daily (highschool), to every other day (university) to hardly ever (working life). I am in my early 30's and at most I see my good friends once every few months since they now live not only in other cities but on the other side of the world.

I know it seems hard, but everyone should cherish knowing that all you have to do to see all your friends in the same place is to wake up each morning and go to school.

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

I missed some aspects of high school, but I much prefer this now as people are generally more mature (note the adverb) and not screw around as much.

I keep in touch with the people I like from high school anyways, so don't be too worried about that.

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

I miss high school but my college years were way more of a blast.

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

I started at my high school when it opened up for the first year, and it was small when it started..only two grades so basically everyone knows everyone..and now in grade 12 I'm thinking "what would high school be like if I actually went to a bigger school." These grade 9s are lucky to be part of a now much bigger school haha, but I guess that's why I'm kinda excited for uni/college, way more people and way more opportunities.

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

@teresa: Really? I don't know, lol. I feel like I've already met most of the people that are going to be the most important in my life already since a ton of alumni from my school I met said they remembered high school better than they remembered college. Teenagers [i]are[/i] stupid, but hey, that's okay.

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

[quote=Chema]People missing high-school/college is something I will never understand
you are basically paying to work your ass for a mere piece of paper
I could have learned way more stuff with books and internet articles than the hassle high-school/college imposes

But woe is me, I needed that paper to get a job not related to flipping burgers or carrying cargo[/quote]

You don't have to pay for college where I live, but I guess it's different for you guys. But yeah, school/college doesn't really teach us much and I usually end up learning more just browsing the internet at home than I do at school.

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

i'm graduating as well, i want to stay another year for fun, guess i'm gonna have to work my ass off in university now </3

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

American school systems are confusing o.o
So middle schoool is Highschool
And college is Uni?

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

People missing high-school/college is something I will never understand
you are basically paying to work your ass for a mere piece of paper
I could have learned way more stuff with books and internet articles than the hassle high-school/college imposes

But woe is me, I needed that paper to get a job not related to flipping burgers or carrying cargo

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

@zoneflare2: Really? For about half of high school, I soldiered through, looking forward to college and eventually forgetting high school ever happened, and last year it started growing on me, and I didn't want to leave as much. I've been told that the kids from my high school know each other better than the people they meet in college. (Really tight alumni association that gives us tons of money).

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

i am so freaking glad im out of high school.
college is just okay, but 100x better than hs.

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited

Same, except I only have 5 weeks of school left. I've made some good friends here, so it kinda sucks to leave, but oh well.

Reply March 20, 2013 - edited